Abby's surgery went as well as a surgery can go I guess. We got there Monday at noon and it was so nice because we were already registered and ready to go. We just went straight back to the pre-op rooms. There all her vital signs were taken, we got our bracelets, they asked me about a zillion health questions and during all this they had brought her a tub of Littlest Pet Shop toys to play with and also put Sleeping Beauty on for her to watch (that's her favorite movie!). That's why I really wanted to have her surgery at Children's, they know how to keep the kids happy! We spent almost 3 hours there. Abby's Grammy came and sat with us for a while in there, then she sat with Noah in the waiting room. The waiting rooms are nice too. They have video games, t.v's, ride-on cars, a big playhouse, lots of stuff to keep those waiting happy as well. We also brought his GameBoy and Grammy brought a giant coloring book for him. He was really a good boy! When it was time to go to the OR, Steve and I walked with her. Each OR has a seperate little room to give them the anesthesia and we're allowed to stay with her there until she goes to sleep. This was probably the hardest part for me, just thinking about it breaks me up again. She had picked her "sleepy air" to be grape scented and she was fine until it came for the actual time to put it on her face. She said she didn't want to and then (boy are they good) the nurses and the anesthesia doc started asking her questions and it it turned to questions about Sleeping Beauty. I don't think she even realized she had the mask on, she was just busy answering their questions. Well after about the 5th question, she couldn't think of the answers anymore and then a minute later she was asleep. I did not enjoy for one second watching her go to sleep, it just really bothered me. When we walked into that room, I was really upset inside just knowing what was about to happen, but I couldn't let her see how bothered I was. But as soon as she fell asleep, we gave her a kiss, and walked out of the room, my emotions got the best of me! I felt better while we waited and I got to hold my boy, I think he could tell I was upset, he was being so sweet! It only took 20 minutes from the time we left the room until we saw the Dr in the the briefing room to tell us how it went. She said everyone was amazed at how large her tonsils and adenoids were! Who knew that would be our daughter's claim to fame!! Well about another 20 minutes later, we were called back to the recovery room and I got to hold her in the rocker as she woke up. She was such a trooper. When she first woke up, she asked for a drink and said "Daddy said I have to drink". That's like the thing they say probably a million times while you're there. She has to drink, has to drink, has to drink! She was still pretty out of it when they took us to her room for the night. My parents had arrived by then and all her grandparents greeted her when we got to the room. She was happy to see them all. She slept most of the evening only waking for 20 minute intervals. She woke up once and wanted to eat macaroni and cheese, so we ordered it for her, she ate it and then vomited it up! Apparently the anesthesia can make you very nauseated, she ended up vomiting one other time but then was much more settled. After the grandparents all left, we had one more visitore. It was MaryJane, the head of the children's department at our church. We hadn't really mentioned the surgery to anyone at the church, but had added it to the prayer list and she saw it there, called us to see what was going on and then surprised us with a visit. It was so nice. Abby felt special when she came. MaryJane is such a teriffic lady, I'm glad to know her and be able to call her part of my church family. Well after her visit, Steve went down the food court and got us some dinner, we ate together (Abby was sleeping!) and then Steve and Noah went home. I spent what turned out to be a very long night with her there in that room. I tried to stay up as late as I could because my sleeping options weren't really good and I knew that if I was really tired, I would't care how comfortable I was! Well that only worked a little bit, because not only could I not find a place to really rest, it was absolutely freezing in there, Abby had the blankets and everything so she was good, but I was soooo cold, and everytime I got my eyes closed, the alarms on the machines monitoring her heartbeat, respirations, and pulse ox level would go off from not getting a good reading. It continually happened all night. It was very frustrating. It was also a little difficult getting her pain medicine in a timely manner. Luckily the nurse we had from like 2 to 7 am, kept her well medicated, she was the best, the others seemed to busy to get in there on time. I walked out at 8:15am to tell them she was 45 minutes past due and it took them until 9:30 to give her the medicine. Luckily she fell back asleep and didn't feel the pain too much, but when they came to give her the medicine, she was in alot of pain and very grumpy about being woken up. She also was very tired of the i.v. and other tubes attached to her. They said they would take them off then because we were being discharged anyway. She had a lot of pain in the hand from the i.v on top of the throat pain until the medicine kicked in. She cried nonstop until it soothed her. It took about 30 minutes to feel better and then we were able to get things in order, sign the papers and leave. So we're home now, thank goodness! We've both had two naps, ate some food and when she's doped up she's very pleasant and sweet, eats and drinks well, but when the medicine is wearing off, she's in a lot of pain and pretty upset about it. Hopefully a few days from now, she'll be much better. She's such a special girl, I have not enjoyed this process at all, but I am so thankful I was able to be there to comfort her and give her all the support she needed. I love her so much! Here's some pics, yes I took pics! I wish I had pics when I got my tonsils out to show her, it might've made her feel better! So here's a few!

Just about an hour after the surgery, she was very sleepy!

Before the surgery, the nurse let her listen to her heart!

The always beeping monitoring machine!

Relaxing with Noah by her side about 3 hours post op.

We're going home yay!!

"See Mom, I do drink my juice!"