Thursday, November 20, 2008

Impending Storm = Impending Fun!!!

I was looking through my pictures tonight and found this one. I just thought it looked really cool with the big dark clouds and the ocean. And Abby (and Noah's behind) of course!!! Anyway, just thought I'd share!!


Char said...

That looks fun and it does look really cool! :)

Lura said...

I love storms! I am enthralled by storms over the water too. Of course, I would have been more freaked out if I was there! It does make for a neat pic though!

Jamie said...

Lura - there was no lightning or anything, so it was ok. Just some wind and rain. It was actually kind of cool. We don't let the kids go any deeper than right there at the edge because they're not proficient swimmers yet. I wouldn't have let them go out in those waves, they were big and the pull out to the ocean was pretty strong. But right at the edge they were ok!!!

Amanda said...

Great picture! Looks like the kids had fun.