Isn't he cute?? We all laughed when he reached up to grab hold of his little bottle!! As of tomorrow (1/7) he will be up to eating 20ml every 3 hours. That means in 24 hours he will have a total of 160ml which is about 5 ounces. A little more than half of a can of Coke. Not much, and boy does he let us know that he's not happy about how little it is!! But, we're going slow to make sure we don't have any more problems. We saw our surgeon and also our new GI doctor last Thursday and the plan is to go up by 5ml every Thursday for the few weeks. We'll see the GI doctor again next week and then our surgeon the week after that. At that appointment, we should be getting the final word on whether he's better or we're having surgery. I can not even imagine going back to the hospital now. While we've only been out for two weeks, it seems like forever ago.
We have also seen our regular pediatrician as well. He has taken over the responsibilities that the neonatologists were doing in the hospital. We'll have to go see him again next week as Joshua will be due for his 4 month immunizations. Wow, 4 months!!! But he's doing really well and hopefully will continue to do so and we'll be just waiting this out and moving on with our lives! Oh, how I hope!
I'm hoping to get him on a more regular sleep schedule in the next few weeks. He's not getting enough milk in his bottles allow him to sleep for too long during the night. About 4 hours is the longest. He wakes up about 3 times during the night, gets a diaper change, has a bottle and then goes back to sleep. Sometimes he's restless though and we have to try different sleeping arrangements such as the swing or being held by us in the recliner!! Whatever works! But I'd really like to get him sleeping in his bed the whole night!! Maybe someday!!
Well here's a few more pics. This is Noah and Abby at the Globetrotters game last week. It was fun although I think Abby was a bit bored with the actual "basketball" portion! She liked all the tricks and stunts though! And of course Noah really enjoyed it. He loves basketball. This is Scooter with them. He was Noah's favorite!!

We had to get Joshua a new swing because the other one just wouldn't swing! I don't know if hew as too big for it or what, but he only weighs 14 pounds, so it should've worked. Oh well, the new one is very similar to the one he had in the hospital and he likes it. So it all worked out!

I got the kids gingerbread house kits for 75% off after Christmas. Who says you can't make a gingerbread house after Christmas? And for only 2.50 each, not bad!!!

Jasmine loves her new puppy!! Joshua started screaming like 2 seconds after this picture! At least I got it!!

This was taken today. He scratched himself on the face, but still looks so cute!! Look at those cheeks! He looks so healthy and happy!!

Daddy and I are doing well. It's been a rough 2 weeks as far as getting anything done around here! I pretty much just take care of the baby, help the kids with school work, do the dishes, pump breastmilk (yes I'm still pumping, it'll be 17 weeks tomorrow!) and make meals. No time for anything else!! I really need to do some laundry tomorrow!! I did get some help from the kids. Today Noah cleaned a bathroom and Abby swept the floor. They are such good kids, I'm so blessed!! They are both very enamored with their new brother too. They are asking to hold him all the time and even when they're not holding him, they're playing with him and talking to him. It's so cute!!
Well that's it for now. Have a great day!!
wow, so glad everything is working out, Your schedule seems so hard but I am sure it is all worth it. He is such a cutie pie! I am so proud of you for pumping after all this time. I remember sitting in the hospital 5 weeks after having Samuel for gall bladder surgery pumping every 2 hours. I asked the nurses to wake me up and if they didn't, I would ask for them by name and ask them why they hadn't. It meant the world to me. So, I can imagine how hard it has been to keep that up for 17 floppin weeks..goodness gracious! He is so much healthier for it. Have they said you could ever go to the breast or no? Are you getting a lot of milk that way? I was never a good pumper and my babies would starve if it just pumping to feed them. I know lots of people who pump like mad though and get lots. As important as breastmilk is, no one would have blamed you if you had been done already or decide it soon. I mean it has to be so hard to do it all. Good for you for all your efforts. That alone will be something to bring you great strength later in life. My nursing experiences both do that for me. God reminds me of my strength through those memories when I need it. God made a strong, fierce woman in you and you have made HIM so very happy these past 4 months. Of course, He knew you could do it. He gave you the love that you are dishing out all around. Thank you for being such a great example of a trong, Godly woman and mommy through all of this. Imagine the amount of people who will know that they can too do it all when/if it happens to them? Thank you!!
Very cute pics again!
Great deal on the houses. Whoohoo!!
What a cutie! I think he looks like you, what does everyone else say?
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