Hey, I thought today was a good day to give you all an update on us and to also post some special words for my dear daughter who is celebrating her 5th birthday coming up. Abby's party was yesterday and I posted the pic up here because I thought it was gorgeous. Sonya took all the pics and she did an amazing job, thank you so much. I especially loved the ones of her blowing out the candles though because the sunset was coming in through the window onto her face and that big ol' pucker just looked so cute. I can't thank you enough Sonya!! Abby's actual birthday is next Monday and we'll be in Disney then. We have some special things planned for her that day and I think she'll be happy for that. The party went really well and eventhough cooking all the food made to order was a bit difficult, everyone seemed to enjoy the food and that was worth it. It's so funny how you spend so much time on the games and they seem to go by so fast, I hope the kids had fun!
I can't believe my baby is almost 5. That seems so big to me. When did she stop being the "baby". When did we have to stop telling Noah to be gentle with her because she was so little. When did she become big enough for everything Noah is big enough for? Boy the time has just gone by so incredibly fast. I'm so proud to be her mama. She is such as pure joy to have in our family. She is our daredevil and our comedian. Everyday I find myself in stitches over something she has come up with. The other morning we were sitting at the breakfast table and something was on t.v. that she said she liked and I looked at her and said I like you and she said yeah, because I'm funny and cute!! I just thought it was so funny!! I love how she always uses vocabulary that you don't usually hear a little girl say like Well I suppose we could.... or What shall we do? One time something fell out of the refridgerator when she opened it and said, I didn't see that coming!! My parents and Steve and I just love telling and hearing all the things she says and does. It brings joy into our lives. She really is a special girl and I don't think we could possibly love her more.
Well I guess for a little update now!! Our homeschooling is going very well so far. We've had two unit studies one on saftety and one on flight/airplanes. Both went really well and I was amazed at how much I even learned doing them. I was so excited when Noah took his first math quiz and got the answers correct. I ran down to tell Steve "I'm doing it, he's learning!!" It was such a relief to see them both learning something new that they didn't previously know. I love knowing without a doubt that they are getting one on one attention from their teacher and a godly Christian curriculum to learn from. I never have to worry about a teacher pushing their beliefs onto my children. I really feel happy and blessed to have made this decision. It hasn't been easy, but it's definitely been worth it. I love knowing exactly what they are learning at every minute of the day so I can work that into our everyday life. Noah's last teåcher was not so forth coming about what she was teaching and trying to get it out of a first grader wasn't easy either. Now I know for sure and that's a big relief to me. I am happy in this new role.
Abby is completely back to being Abby after her surgery. I have to say though, that if I knew how difficult it would be on me, and her I probably would not have done it. The first week was pretty awful. And I was racked with guilt knowing that the surgery was elective. She went in a healthy and energetic girl and came out in horrible pain and just not the same person. I guess if she more restful sleep it was worth it, but that was a lot of trouble to get to that point. I always feel guilty when something like this happens though. I got that from my Mom, she was the best at guilt trips! Now I'm afraid I've taken the crown! Oh well, it's over now and she's fine and we should just forget it all happened, except for when I scrap it of course!!
Noah is still in karate and has signed up for Upward Basketball again this fall. It starts in November. Abby's dance class has started up again and she may be starting karate soon, we haven't officially decided on that yet. Our Disney trip begins this Wednesday and we won't be back until the 30th. We're very excited about it and I still have a lot of things to get done. In fact I should probably go work on the costumes now. We're all dressing up for the Halloween party. I'll show pictures when we get back. Well have a great September and we'll see you in October!! Love you all!!
This was a nice surprise. I won;t comment ont he party here cause I am writing a post abotu it but it was great. I like th epic of Abby blowing out her candles but I wanted to make sure they all aren;t that dark. I didn't look once to see how they were looking on the viewfinder. Please tell me they aren't all dark and I could have done something about it.
Have a great trip and call me with news so I can post about that!!!
I hope Abby continues to be well.
Love to you all
No, they are not all like that, but I think those are my favorite. I'd rather they be like that, I love it. I'll do a whole scrapbook page of just that!!
cool well at least they aren't all hard to see. I like that one too. i just wanted to make sure you could see her presents and stuff.
Hello there! What a great post. Glad to hear Abby had such a wonderful birthday party. Please don't remind me on how fast the time flies!
Olivia is 7 months already and I don't know where it has gone. Next I'll be posting that she is turning 5 aagghhh!!!
I hope you have a wonderful trip to Disney and I look forward to seeing all the pictures when you return! Have fun and be safe!
Have a great vacation. Tell Mickey we will see him soon.
Yeah!!! I just checked your blog and found you had posted. Yeah!
I love the picture!! It is neat. The party sounds great too - from reading your blog and Sonya's.
I'm glad school is going well for you all! It is a lot of fun learning things right along with them. Sometimes I get wrapped up in something that they are learning because I find it so interesting! haha!
I'm glad Abby is back to normal. I hate mommy guilt. I feel it way too much sometimes too. She is fine now and that's what is important.
Glad Noah is doing well too! :)
Have a safe and happy trip!
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