Lots of Stuff

I just felt like posting a random post today. I love these two pics of the kids sledding. They looks so intense!! I love waiting until the other kids go back to school to go sledding, so we have the hill all to ourselves!! Ahhh, one of the many joys of homeschooling!!
>I still can't believe we're having another baby!! It's just now starting to seem real. I've wanted it for so long, that it just keeps feeling like a dream. But I know it's real and I couldn't be happier. Abby is so impatient about it!! She wants the baby here NOW!!! I've explained a little of "where babies come from" to them (more so to Noah) but to Abby, I told her she has eggs in her tummy that someday have the chance to become babies and the other day her and Noah were playing and Noah sliced her with a play sword across the belly (it didn't hurt or anything) and she yelled "Noah be careful, I have an egg in there!!" I thought that was so cute!!
I'm still having a bit of a hard time "connecting" with other Christian homeschoolers, so I'm thinking about starting my own Yahoo group to see if I can find some people to fellowship with and hopefully do some field trips, unit studies, get togethers, etc.. I've found a few people from my church, but one family I know, just decided to send their kids to school and another family I know is moving out of state. So that option is not all that viable at this point. I've joined a few other Yahoo groups, but none are Christian oriented and I really want to find other Christians to to fellowship with since Christ is the focus of our homeschool and family. I've been praying about it for awhile and I'm starting to feel like maybe this is where God wants me to go in order to find this fellowship. I don't know. We'll see what happens.
Our Disney trip is coming up in just 12 days. I'm very excited about that!! I just finished our schedule and pack list today. That always gets me excited. Now I'm going to go start packing. It's pretty easy to pick the kids shirts since they have so many Disney shirts. I just chose the ones I like the best at that time!! This time we're staying at Port Orleans French Quarter. We stayed there once before about 4 years ago. I really like it. It looks like New Orleans and has a Mardi Gras feel. It's very fun. They have an awesome pool with a gigantic slide. We're hoping to go the Animal Kingdom Lodge in December. They have cool bunk bed rooms. It has one queen bed and a set of bunk beds with a view of the safari and animals. Noah has been requesting that for awhile and I think it would be really cool. Hopefully that'll work out.
Oh and I've been researching a good baby carrier. I didn't use one at all with Noah and with Abby we used a Baby Bjorn and I liked it a bit, but not all that much. Well with this baby, I'm very interested in using one a lot and I've been researching the different kinds (slings, carriers, etc..) and trying to find one that's got a lot of good reviews, is easy to breastfeed in and doesn't cause much if any at all, back pain. So far I'm leaning to the Ergo carrier. It has lots of good reviews, you can get a special infant insert to sort of simulate a sling for the first few months and then after they gain head control, you can use it for carrying front, back or side. It's a bit pricey, so I'm just looking to get any advice before we make the purchase. Anyone have any suggestions????
Well I guess that's long enough. I better go get the kiddies their promised scoop of ice cream then go upstairs and start packing while watching the Daytona 500 (which will hopefully continue after the rain!!!). Go Jeff Gordon!!!!!
I cannot imagine a better carrier than Bjorn but I think I am thinking once they are a bit bigger. I have a friend who is also on facebook who swears by this certain baby carrier. Oh she is just crazy about it and has started selling them..it may even be that brand. i will check tonight and get back to you. Anyway, it is supported by the attached parenting people too so I am sure you can nurse in it. I could not nurse in anything! I just love the shawl thing that covers your breasts but does not hold the baby.
I am starting LLL classses to be a breast feeding consultant so they will probably have ideas..I will check.
Cute pics!
Disney would be hard for me early in pregnancy because i am so tired. I know you have pretty smooth pregnancies though.
Okay, I was already jealous of you living in Cincinnati and getting to go to that awesome homeschool convention. Now, I'm jealous of all that beautiful snow.
Don't get me wrong; I absolutely dispise the cold. However, I'd love for my Southern born and bred kiddos to get to enjoy one really good snow.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just wanted to pop over and say, "hi." Congratulations on your pregnancy. Too cute about your dd and her egg. ;-)
Good luck with the Yahoo group. Our IRL Yahoo group started with five moms who knew each other only in passing from other groups. We now represent about 100 families, including some of my dearest friends.
Have a great week and enjoy that convention!
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