Tuesday, June 16, 2009

An update date on Poppy's preparations!!

It's baby post time!

Right now I am 24 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I will be 25 weeks on Friday!! So far I've only gained 2 pounds. I'm apparently only gaining the actual baby weight and using up my "reserves" for anything else I need!! Trust me, I've been eating, but I suppose my metabolism has been boosted or something!! My doctor thinks it's fine as long as I'm not losing any weight and the baby is growing as it should and both of those are being met, so she's happy!

We had the ultrasound two weeks ago and everything looked perfect! I almost forgot to tell the tech that we didn't want to know the sex, but luckily I remembered in time!! It was so nice for all of us to see the baby. We saw all the important parts: spine, skull, arms, legs, heart, etc... and both the tech and the doctor said everything seemed great. That's such a relief. My next appointment is in two weeks and I have to do the yucky glucose test. Hopefully that'll all turn out great as well.

Poppy's looking at us!!!

I've gotten pretty big now. Not much in my normal wardrobe fits except for a few shirts and elastic waisted skirts or pants. I haven't bought a ton of maternity clothes yet, I'm just trying to get by with the few things I have. Everyone has felt the baby move now. That's always fun. After the ultrasound and feeling it move, all of this just feels so much more real. Although there isn't a day that goes by when I question if it's real! I wanted so long to experience this again, and sometimes I just can't believe I'm blessed enough to get to do it again.

We have done a lot of the "getting ready" things that need to be done, but we still have a lot to do. We moved the kids playroom downstairs to clear out the last bedroom upstairs for the baby's room. I'm still working on organizing and purging the stuff in the new playroom. We've gotten rid of a lot of stuff already, but we still have so much. I just can't deal with the piles and piles of stuff anymore. So that room is still in a disarray.

We painted two of the walls in the baby room. I like the new colors, it's much brighter than it was before. We also installed a closet system and the furniture my parents bought us is now set up in there. I love it all!! I keep walking by the room and peering in at the crib. I was sure I'd never see a crib in my house again.

I organized all my diapers and wipes in the closet and took an inventory. As of right now, I have :

120 Newborn Diapers
257 Size 1 Diapers
256 Size 1-2 Diapers
312 Size 2 Diapers
520 Size 3 Diapers
346 Size 4 Diapers
52 Pull-Ups
82 Packages of Wipes

I feel pretty good about our amount of diapers up to size 3 and then I think we need to add more to the size 3, 4 and 5's.

Oh and names. We STILL can't decide on names. Boy or Girl. It's driving me crazy. I really want to get this settled and for some reason no one can agree!! Aaargh!! Maybe we'll just end up calling them Poppy since that's what we've called them all along!!

And I'll finish with just a few pics of the cute little clothes I've gotten for Poppy already. Their so cute!!

I bought these at Meijer a long time ago. I just thought they were so cute!!

I got these all on clearance at Target. All set with Disney shirts for Poppy's first trip this December!!!

The middle one is not new. It's one both Noah and Abby wore. Riley even wore it too! It means a lot. The other two are new. I think they're so cute. Even though we buy gender neutral ahead of time, I still think they're really cute!

This is one is really for a boy, but I thought it was so cute, I thought I'd take the chance!! I just loved it!!

Well that's it for now. I'll try and update in a few weeks!! We're almost ready for you Poppy!!!


Lura said...

I'm so excited for you!! Love the pic of you. I can't believe how long your hair is! I'd say you are stocked on diapers and wipes!! Love the baby's room and new furniture. :)

Amanda said...

You look glowing and gorgeous!
How exciting! I think we are all beside ourselves with joy and excitement for you and your family!

Your diaper stockpile reminds me of how we looked getting ready for the triplets. It was overwhelming!

The colors are so cool! I wasn't expecting them. I love it!

Looking forward to the next post and pictures!

SamandSawyersMom said...

You do look great.

I am happy everything is going well.

My friend lost her unborn baby this week and is in the middle of a DNC as I type this. I realized again how precious our babies are whether they have been "born" or not.

I will continue to pray for your new life. May God continue to richly bless your family.

The room looks great. Poppy will appreciate the pictures of her/his brother and sister helping to make it perfect for him/her.

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh and i like the long hair too. mine is pretty long too but i am close to cutting it...it is not thick like yours so it only looks good if it is all curled.

Char said...

The outfits are adorable!
I have never seen so many diapers in one place besides a store. haha! Wow, you are set there!!
The furniture is very nice.
It's under 100 days now! I'm excited for you. Names are sometimes hard to come up with. We didn't know our youngest's name until right before he was born and even then we weren't for sure. Good luck deciding!