Sunday, May 30, 2010

Just a Swingin'

We've been doing a lot of swinging in our yard the last week..

Noah's been showing his mass skills on the "surfboard"

Joshua is loving his turn in the baby swing that was Noah's 1st Birthday gift

Abby loves swinging, it's her favorite past time

Everyone took turns giving Joshua pushes, we couldn't resist his giggles to keep going!

While this pic is a bit blurry, I thought it showed her pure joy!

Noah doesn't really swing very much, but when he does, he really hams it up!

More smiles and laughs from the baby!

And more smiles and laughs from the girl!

And a shot of my handsome boy!

Craziness from "the beader"

Noah's just enjoying watching his brother have fun!

Joshua's hiding out under his hat!

We've had a great time swinging this past week. We're very thankful for the warmer weather (although it's a bit on the too hot side lately!!), so that we can go out and enjoy our big backyard!!

1 comment:

Char said...

Awesome pictures. It looks like a lot of fun. it's neat to see your children's personalities come alive while swinging!!