Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hello! Yes, we're alive. I've seen most of you readers in the past week or so, so hello again!! We've been very busy lately and I'm planning a huge post about it all in the next week or so. We're taking two weeks off of schoolwork right now. So far we've only had the fun of sharing a cold amongst us. We're hoping to clear that up and do a few more things. We've been to Kings Island, the Reds game, Coney Island and the kids had 2 different camps so far this summer. I'm hoping to do the big blog post, finish up our end of year/beginning of year homeschool paper work that I have to send in, plan the lessons for the next few months, plan a trip to visit some of the Revolutionary War sites that we'll be studying about, have someone out to fix the duct work in Noah's room, order a few new homeschool supplies, take Joshua to see his surgeon (just a follow up visit, thankfully!), take the kids to half price books (twice) to continue their summer reading program, send in some rebates, order pictures for Joshua's baby book and our Disney scrapbooks, pay the bills, clean the playroom and set up Noah's "new" room and take the kids to a few fun places (a new park we found with a splash pad, Caesar's Creek, etc.) All in just two short weeks! Well I'm off, the baby is done eating his peas (he eats some real food now!!) and he also crawls and claps now!! Now it's bathtime and then naptime for me and the 3 kids (trying to clear up those colds!).

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