Today is my sweet, sweet Abigail Corde's 8th Birthday!! I couldn't imagine my life for a split second without my baby girl. She is the sparkle in our days and the laughter in our home. She is truly one of a kind!! She is my little partner, shopping buddy, cooking apprentice, "girl talk" accomplice, toe nail painting amiga, one and only daughter. My freckled little girl has filled me with joy from the day she was born. She is just amazing. She loves all animals, but especially dogs and horses. She has an understanding of The Word, far beyond her years and we've been told by two different adults on separate occasions, that she has amazed them with this understanding and wisdom. She also loves books and reads on her own (unassigned) for hours a day. She loves riding her bike and scooter, drawing with chalk on the driveway, shooting baskets with Noah and Daddy. She has loved swinging for as long as I can remember and takes great pride in the fact that she can swing herself very high now!! She desperately wants a sister to share her room with. She loves the color pink (yellow is second!) and is learning to mix colors and patterns to make cute outfits! She's not a big fan of getting her hair brushed and done for the day, but willingly obliges Mommy! She loves to eat Macaroni and Cheese, bacon pizza from Larosas and plain M&M's. She loves her some chocolate milk too! She has an incredible bounty of vocabulary and has always amazed me with how well she can speak and get her point across. She is also quite feisty and takes nothing from nobody! In one minute she can be wrestling or lightsaber dueling with Noah and then turn around and carry around her baby doll in a backpack carrier while loving on Jasmine. I love how "well rounded" she is! I just love this blue eyed beauty and am so incredibly thankful that God gave me a daughter and especially that He gave me this one! And just as I did for Joshua two weeks ago, here's Abby's 7th year in pictures!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Goings on

The kids on a recent visit downtown for cupcakes. Yes we go downtown for cupcakes every now and then. I think if you had them, you would too. They are yummy!!
We're getting settled into our new church. It's a much, much smaller church than our previous one. It's nice though that people actually notice if you're not there. They do a monthly brunch after church and it rotates houses. I love this. It's a great way to get to know everyone better. There are a lot of homeschoolers in this church. That was something we were kind of looking for. We really wanted to have some encouragement from other believers/homeschoolers. They also believe in family worship which was the biggest thing we were looking for. Everyone from infant on up, stays in the service during the prayer time and worship singing, then 3rd grade and younger can (if they want to, there's no pressure) go to either the nursery (infant thru K) or to the one and only Sunday school class (1st - 3rd). After third grade they are expected to stay in the service with their parents and here the sermon. I love it. We were doing this already at our other church, but there we were looked at as oddballs when we brought all of our kids into the service. We just believe it's so important for kids to learn how to worship, learn how to sit respectfully, learn how to hear God's Word in the church setting. Did I mention , I love it? Anyway, so starting this week we are also in a small group that meets in homes twice a month and we're studying a biblical parenting book. We went to our first meeting last night. It looks like it's going to be a nice time of learning and fellowshipping. I'm excited about that too. And, Noah will be starting their version of a "youth group" tomorrow. I say it like that, because they make it very clear that their group looks nothing like the silly, entertainment driven youth groups of most churches. They are very serious about it. They planned extra times throughout the year to do fun things like on Saturday afternoons and such (like a scavenger hunt and an amazing race), but Wednesday nights are for serious learning about God's Word.
I thought I would use the time that Noah was away at his group to mentor my little girl. So I'm making up a little schedule and every Wednesday we will learn to either cook or bake something and then learn a specific chore or domestic responsibility in depth. My plan is to over the year, get to each thing at least 3 or 4 times with the hope that at the end she would be able to do some things on her own, like bake a banana bread or fill the dishwasher, etc... I've also ordered us a sewing ebook, as I'm just a beginner like her!! So that's something else we can work on in that time. She is VERY excited about all of it. This morning she said "tomorrow we get to do our girl time!!". I'm so blessed to have this girl.
So we have soccer, church, church brunch, small group, youth group and girl night. We also have Upward starting in November. Noah in basketball and Abby in cheerleading and I called yesterday about seeing about piano lessons for Abby. She is very interested in the piano, especially after getting a keyboard from a cousin last year. During MAD camp (music, art and drama) this summer she and Noah learned a few easy songs like twinkle, twinkle and old macdonald and she has been playing them over and over. Hopefully I'll be able to work that out for her too. So with all of that going on, we'll be pretty busy, but I always limit the kids to 2 outside the home activities at a time, so it doesn't get too crazy.
In Joshua news: He is eating like a pro, still taking bottles, but slowly transitioning to a cup. He still hasn't taken those first steps, but seems closer every day. His 8th tooth is popping through and he officially has at least one word in his vocabulary and it's "bite". When he wants another bite he says "bi". He definitely says mama and dada, but I'm not convinced he knows what those mean yet and I'm fairly certain he says some form of "doggie" when he sees Jasmine or another dog. It's a two syllable sound with and "ie" ending. I've been working on that one with him. He amazes with how easily how learns things. Show him how to work a toy once and he's got it. He's super smart! We went to the a reunion picnic at the hospital. We got to see some of our nurses and they were all amazed at how big he was and how much hair he had. The picnic was one the one year anniversary of his first surgery. I can't tell you how strange it was to sit in the cafeteria with him, feeding him, laughing with him and remember that day exactly a year ago, when I sat in the same cafeteria full of worry as he was in surgery. On the way out I looked up at the windows where the surgery waiting room is and just thanked God I was not sitting there and was instead taking my baby in the car home with me. I guess it was kind of a closure thing. That part is over, no looking back.
In school we're about to start a study on the Revolutionary War. I'm very excited about it because we're going to read close to 50 books during it, plus act things out, cook period meals, wear period costumes (made by us!), do crafts and activities and lots of hands on learning during it, all leading up to a trip in the early spring to visit a lot of the war sites in Boston and Philadelphia. I can't wait to learn right along with them! I'm also making up a study of Ohio's canal history and have some field trips in mind for that. I thought it would be fun to make a scrapbook of that study since we'll be visiting so many sites. We're working along in math, spelling, english, and writing. Abby has made huge leaps in her handwriting this year. I'm so relieved!! I think I was just like her, even remembering that I got C's in handwriting in first grade. And then all of a sudden, I just wanted it to look nice, so I made it neater. I think that's what's happening here too. We tried all kinds of different curriculum too and now we're using Handwriting without Tears and it really seems to work with her. So she's zooming through the printing book, just to polish up her writing and then we'll start the cursive book. The kids have already read through Phillippians and Genesis in their Bibles and we're about to start Acts. Noah is working on copying Proverbs this year in a notebook and he's on chapter 4. He does 5 verses a day. We're about to finish a cute book called the 21 Balloons. We read two books recently that were really good, one was the Matchlock Gun and the other was the Courage of Sarah Noble. Both are relatively short, but very good. The Matchlock Gun is very suspenseful and well written.
Abby's going to be 8 in less than 2 weeks. We're planning her a party. She wants a horse theme (mare and foal). I'd love to find someone to bring over a horse for the kids to see, but I don't know yet.
Well that's most of what's going on around here. Thanks for reading!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Joshua's First Year in Pics
I thought I'd commemorate Joshua's first year with pics from every month. This post is scheduled to appear at exactly the minute Joshua was born one year ago: September 10th, 3:08pm.
Wow, how much he's grown over this past year!!
Joshua, you're such a strong, courageous, loving, sweet and smart boy. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. We can't wait to watch you grow each and every year. We pray God's will and blessing in your life and may you always strive to follow His Word and live by His Will. Thank you for being you and for being an answer to our prayers. We'll always thank God for you and love you forever. Happy 1st Birthday!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Thoughts on his first birthday
I can't believe we're here...celebrating this boy...this joy....
Jumping for joy? Maybe, but probably just jumping for fun...
Happy First Birthday Joshua!! We love you so much!!
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