I'm 30 weeks pregnant now!! (Please excuse the white streak on my shirt, I made homemade fried chicken tonight and I always end up with something all over my belly when I cook!!) But you can see how big the ol' belly is now!! I'm doing pretty well. My main complaints are tiredness and pelvic bone pain. Other than that I'm doing great. My baby showers are only a few weeks away, I'm so excited!! We have names picked out now, but I'm afraid we'll just end up calling them Poppy!! Even our family calls them that!! Poppy is a very active baby. The kids have loved feeling them flip and flop in the belly. Noah is so cute when it happens, he puts his hand on the belly and says Poppy in the sweetest little voice. I think they're both very excited about meeting this little one as I know Daddy and I are as well!!
We started our "new" school year yesterday. So far, so good. It's such a huge difference from before and it's taking a little getting used to, but so far I'm happy with our choices.
I went grocery shopping last night and got tons of food for only 70 bucks. I added up the "values" of the food (before sales and coupons) and the total was 210. I got tons of stuff and now I'm hoping to just eat from our pantry and freezers for the next week or two to clear some of the stock out. I mainly shopped at Meijer, they are having a 10 for 10 sale and I spent forever in there trying to figure out what I wanted to buy. I was so exhausted!! I also did a quick stop at Kroger for the Tyson chicken breasts and their milk (half gallons for .75!!). But boy after shopping for over 2 hours, I was so tired and my back hurt so bad. I hope the deals aren't as good for the next few weeks, so I can get a break!!
My house is a bit of a disaster zone. My mother in law sold her house and moved into an apartment and our house is now scattered with the things we wanted to keep and not send off to donations. Plus, I've been concentrating on getting ready for school the past week or so, and not so much on the whole house cleaning thing. Maybe next week I can get it back in order!! It always amazes me how when you take off cleaning or laundry for just a week or so, how bad it can get!!!
Well I'm off now. We're heading out this evening to visit family for a bit. Have a good one!!
wow, that is quite the belly. I love getting a big round belly.
I am glad things are going well for you.
I am going to go look at all your summer pictures now.
Your belly is beautiful! I think Poppy would be a beautiful name for your baby - okay, maybe a better nickname for a boy!
I am glad that you are doing so well and that the kids are as well.
I can't wait to see this little one!!!
Hope that you keep your feet up and get some rest.
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