Sunday, April 20, 2008

Aren't I pretty!!

Tired of seeing my big face yet????

Not much going on here other than just normal life. Noah has begun his baseball season and had his first game yesterday. They actually won by 20 runs, and they called the game after 3 innings because of the score. So that was a good start I guess, but I always feel awful for the other team. They're just kids, and to lose like that must feel bad. But I guess that's the risk you take when you sign your kids up for sports. Speaking of that, Abby will be signed up for t-ball again this summer (luckily there, they don't keep score, I don't think she could handle that yet). She also has her dance recital in early June. This year she's doing a tap routine for the recital. Her costume is just adorable and she has picture day for that next week. Oh and Noah is still doing karate and is actually the highest ranked kid in the school. Next week he tests out of the childrens program and into the teenage program. All that means is the moves will get more complicated. His sensei just beams when he talks about Noah. We're very proud of both of our children, but wow it seems that they are pretty busy!! We try to keep them at no more than 2 activities at any given time, but they are both expressing interest in learning a musical instrument, Abby piano and Noah guitar. We're looking into that now. Those lessons if we decide to do them, will be during the day, so that won't add on to the evenings thankfully.

We now only have three weeks left in school. But we're still going to be a few things over the summer. Noah is doing a cursive writing lesson, because I felt like the curriculum didn't give him enough to be fluent in it and he seems genuinely interested in learning to write that way. Abby will be continuing to progress in reading. We're trying different things with her to see what works best. She is definitely progressing, so that's great. Oh and we'll also continuing our family reading.

We got some new shelves for the unfinished space in the basement. We got them from Ikea. I only have two sets right now, but eventually I'd like to get about 10 sets so I can organize all the holiday decorations, gift wrapping items, long term storage items and overstock grocery items. They are so inexpensive from Ikea so I should be able to work getting another set here and there into the budget for a few weeks and then have them all in about a month or so. That will be so great to have all the organized. I will be very happy!! I especially need more room after the last few big shopping sales!!

Well that's the highlights right now. We have 152 days left til the next Disney trip!! And getting closer every day!!


SamandSawyersMom said...

That is wonderful about Noah and karate. Wow, I would be proud too. Well I aint goin' lie, i would probably have a t shirt made that said "My son is highest ranked in his karate school". I get a little crazy with that stuff.

I always thoguht I was really FOR keeping score until Sammy played indoor soccer this year and that dang buzzer and scoreboard distracted him so much. He was worried sick about losing!! I am glad that the YMCA does nto keep score until they are older!! Thekids do anyway so they try just as hard withotu feeling too bad abotu themselves.

No mention of your amazing trip on friday?? She saved 2 hundred bucks or more people!!!!!!!!

Glad you are almost done with school. That must be an relief.

Abby will do great in t ball. The instrument thing is interesting. Hopefully they stick with them longer than most of us have with our instrument training...SM. Any instruction teaches them a lot so it will be great either way. I would love my kids to learn piano!! Oh I would love that!!

Anonymous said...

YOur kids are very busy, but that is good there are into so many things.

I want to see pics of Abby and her tap dance pictures!