Abby and I have a horrible cold. I know it's not allergies because first of all, we've never had them before and secondly because it's very much a chest cold, with lots of stuff in the chest and lots of coughing. I think Noah gave it to us, that stinker!! Of course he didn't have it very much at all, that boy truly has the best immune system I've seen, but I always end up with it the worst. OH well, at least I can still function with a cold!!
Today is Abbys picture day at dance class. I'm excited to see her all made up in the costume.
Well here's some things that have happened lately. First we went on a homeschool field trip at the Cincinnati Nature Center. Noah went with a group of other 2nd graders and with a member of the Center and another parent as chaperone, they went exploring the ponds and forests on one of the trails. They had all kinds of cool tools to use and saw lots of things the naked eye can't see. He loved it!! While he was doing that, I took Abby (she wasn't old enough for the groups yet), on one of the other trails and we had a great time too. It was very quiet and peaceful, except at the end it started to rain. We saw a waterfall and lots of pretty trees and flowers. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of Noah's group, but I did get some of Abby. The field trip was only $4 and ABby and I got in free because we came with him, so it was a really great deal. WE're definitely doing that again!!

Noah also had his opening day parade for baseball. "They moved it out of South Lebanon and to Maineville. As usual is was awesome!! Abby and I made a sign again for him this year, I think we're the only ones who do it!! It was very cold and windy that day though, which kind of stunk, but it was worth it!!
And he's also played three games now and won all three. Tonight is the next game and it looks to be with the toughest team. Hopefully it will go well!! Here he is running to first!
Abby had observation day at dance class. They are really working on their recital dance. It looks really cute! I"m excited for the family to see it!

So that's about it for now. Hope everyone has a great day!!
that pic of abby in the field looks like a movie...what a cool pic.
I like the others too.
the homeschool network thing sounds cool.
sorry you are sick
The boys all have the crud here too. Hope you're feeling better!
I was going to say that picture looked like a movie too! I guess I wasn't the only one who thought that. Looks like a beautiful place.
I hope you take some pictures when you get all your shelves up. I'd love to see what it looks like when you get it done.
field trip sounds awesome!
noah looks adorable in his uniform!
sorry you are sick!!!
i have your CM stuff. I'll get it to you soon!! thanks!
I hope you are feeling better. Food prices are already going up. Matt went with me to Kroger the other day and he made the comment that food prices are already increasing. UGH...
I love the pics of Noah and the parade and Abby in her dress!
Those pics are too cute! Hope you feel better soon.......why are food prices going up?? Geez, driving a car is almost for the rich right now and pretty soon only the rich will be able to eat good! UGH!
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