Thursday, April 10, 2008

A final word on the subject (for now!)

A final word, and since this is my blog, I will be the final word.

Our culture is no longer safe for the Christian. We are being ostracized and criticized for the beliefs that we hold to be truth. You only have to turn on the t.v, the radio, walk down the street or read a magazine to see that are beliefs are no longer welcome. Something big is eventually going to happen because of this huge shift from Christianity and God's protection. Something huge is going to happen, I'm not sure what, I'm not sure when, but I can make a pretty good guess and say it'll either happen in our lives, our children's lives or maybe even our grandchildren's lives, but probably before that. When this happens we need to be ready. Our children need to be ready. When chaos comes, people seek out absolute truth, and guess what? We know what that is. An example of this was after 9/11 when tons and tons of people went to church and prayed for safety and answers. When the next big thing happens, we need to be ready to guide them to answers. Our children need to be ready to guide them to answers. No other country has survived such a huge change in mentality. A big change is inevitable. I think of our children as spiritual warriors. They need to be ready for "battle". They need to be prepared. They need to have their coat of armor about them. They need to be ready at any time to not only defend their beliefs, but share them, live by them, and win people of to Christ with them. And by and large, this preparation will not occur in a public school, nor with supplements at home. I do think public schools are about as anti-christian as anywhere else. They teach untruths that are a direct assault on the teachings of the Bible. They do not allow God to be mentioned. They are forcing children to participate in other religions activities. They teach about homosexuality, premarital sex, abortion and actually teach "tolerance" in these areas. Well of course we're supposed to love people no matter what they do or participate in. But we are not called to tolerate sin. It's just not true. Our jobs are to change the hearts of these people so they can turn from their sin and be in the Glory of God. Of course that'll never happen if we threaten them, harass them, harm them. And I don't teach my children that in any way. I've already explained homosexuality to them (not in detail), but they get the idea and I made sure I spent the bulk of my conversation on, how we are supposed to love them no matter what and pray for them and not treat them like evil people. I believe that is how God wants us to handle these situations. This is how he wants us to be prepared. Not learning tolerance of the sin.

So anyway, that was a little rant. But my beliefs are that God has called a generation to be ready to fight the war that has begun and will only continue on until something dramatic happens. I am readying my children for that, by teaching them in a God filled home, where they are loved, nurtured and their God given gifts are grown so that when He needs them, they will be ready. He gave them those gifts for a reason and He will use them for His purpose. My job is to ensure those gifts are not trampled, beat down or forced into submission. And I feel that is exactly what the public school intends. Whether we like it or not, they do not want to breed great thinkers, great minds, great people. They seek to breed followers, people who don't ask too many questions, and will take a place a society and not make too much trouble. I know this is difficult to believe, but it is true. Now of course there are exceptions. Godly people can come from public schools. But it is much less likely. How many Godly people are making noise in the entertainment world now, the sports world, the political world? Sure there are some here and there, but let's be honest, they are few and far between. Most of these people are mentioned because they have achieved something great and credit it to God. Those are awesome stories, that always inspire us. But how many people are there in these worlds, reminding us that we need to turn from our sinful behaviors? How many are making sure the public knows that Hell is a real place? How many are actually preaching the great news of Jesus? Most of them mention God, but few mention Jesus. And most likely as soon as someone mentions any of these, they are called intolerant, and unloving, and narrow minded, etc.. But what we need is numbers. We need more and more and more spiritual warriors out there, preaching the truth and actually making a difference.

I know that our country does not make it a practice to send our soldiers to basic training in Iraq with Al Qaeda. They do not feel it is better to let them be out there with the enemy, so they can become stronger and more ready to handle situations this enemy may throw at them when they arise. They don't send them into Al Qaeda for the bulk of the day and then bring them back to US camps and supplement what they have learned there with what they know to be the better way. NO. They train them here, they ready them here, they prepare them here. They would never send an unprepared soldier out to war. They would never let you sign up one day and ship out the next. They take time to ready you. That's what I'm doing with my kids. They are kids, not little adults. They are not prepared to deal with opposing forces yet. Their brains are not physically ready to handle the problems that may arise. And no matter what anyone says, sending a child out to deal with bullies, oppressors, and attackers, does not make them stronger or in any way ready to deal with that as an adult. That's just silly. So as a tree grows, should we pull its leaves off, pull it's limbs off, deny it water in hopes of it becoming a stronger tree? Of course not. Children need to be raised in an environment that gives them self esteem, love, nurturing, and God filled, so that when they do have to deal with "those people" then they are ready. Throwing them into battle too soon, does not make them stronger, it defeats them.

I once posted and them immediately took down a thought on why all other creatures on Earth "shelter" their young and do not send them out into the world on their own until they are completely ready to survive on their own. Survive on their own. That means able to find their own food, make their own home, battle any enemies, and make their own families. For animals that may take anywhere from a few months to a few years. In humans that takes about 17-20 years, depending on the person. God set it up that way. God made it so it would take longer for humans to mature slower than animals. So are we just impatient then? Are we tired of waiting for our kids to mature, so we just send them out anyway? Well we shouldn't. We should give them that solid foundation to grown from as adults.

So anyway, I homeschool because the writing is on the wall for me now. God has called me to this as He has a growing number of families. I don't need statistics or facts to know that, although there are plenty. And I don't need a degree to know that God would much rather His children be raised in Godly environments, which we all know is not public school. So if you don't agree then hopefully at least you'll teach your children to recognize the spiritual warriors when they need them. I plan to make mine ready to fight any battle that comes there way. Never before have I understood the pilgrims more. If there was a "new land", I may just be ready to venture into myself. But since there isn't, I need to be ready to stay here and fight.