Wednesday, April 9, 2008

a great blog to visit

I just found this blog about 2 hours ago and can't stop reading it. I have read through all of her homeschooling posts and several of her birth control posts and it's like this woman is reading my heart. I only hope she knows what an encouragement she is to me and probably many others. I am constantly striving to be the "ultra conservative" that I believe God wants me to be and therefore reevaluating nearly everything in my life lately. Boy the Lord can change a person, that's for sure and I can't wait to see how much these changes bless my life, my husbands life, my childrens lives and any other life that comes in contact with our family. Just when I thought I might be alone in my beliefs or maybe just crazy, God gives me a map to find that the hope I so needed. So anyway, just wanted to share it. No need for comments here, you can just visit it or not.