A pic from our "night out on the town!!"
Well I guess that's it for now! We're hanging in there and just getting through it. It'll be over soon and we can get on with our lives!
A pic from our "night out on the town!!"
Well I guess that's it for now! We're hanging in there and just getting through it. It'll be over soon and we can get on with our lives!
Today is day 33 of Joshua's life and hospital stay which leaves us 73 days until his hopeful homecoming.
I thought it would be interesting to type out what my day was like yesterday because it was one of those days!!
Can I just say that when this is all over and Joshua is clear for traveling, I am dreaming of getting away from everything and taking my husband and three kids to a beach somewhere and just sitting. Sitting on the beach with my family and thinking of nothing but them. We will all need this time to get used to our family of 5 all together and to rejuvenate. Aaaah, I can just imagine. So when we finally get there, don't call, 'cause I ain't answering!!!
All of our Fall decorations!
Noah and Abby started lessons again on Monday. It's actually going quite well. They are moving right along in Math and English. Daddy's doing Science and Spelling with them. They're learning about dogs in Science. They also learned more about mammals and the different kinds of teeth. I'm doing Geography with them and we're working on learning the the names of the 50 states in alphabetical order. We learn it in small increments a day. We're up to Nevada. We also use a lightsaber (I don't have a real pointer!!) to point to each state on a big map as we say it, so they're learning the states in ABC order and also where they are on the map at the same time. They are totally loving this and they're doing really well. We even did an art project on Tuesday. So it's going well. We finished reading a really good book that I'd recommend called Ginger Pye. We started it before Joshua was born and just finished it last night. We all loved it. I'd recommend it to anyone with kids from 5-12.