Is that boy not the cutest thing you've seen?? Seriously, adorable!!
Today is day 41 of Joshua's life which means we have 65 days left until Christmas and Joshua's homecoming. I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I wanted to Monday night, but ran out of time after cleaning and laundry and lessons. And then last night I couldn't get blogger to let me post pictures, and I wanted to wait until I could post them. So anyway, here's the update.
Joshua is right at 1o pounds now. He is taking 25ml per hour in his lower portion. He is still taking 6ml per hour of breastmilk into his nasal tube that goes into the intestines. Yesterday he had his first bottle feed. They shut off the continuous 6ml for an hour and let us feed him that 6ml through a bottle. He really seemed to love it. He sucked it down!! Today he's allowed two feedings that way. Daddy did one this morning and I'll do one later when I get there. They may even allow him to actually breastfeed tomorrow. I'll have to pump first for almost my normal amount of time and then let him sort of finish it. He can't get a whole feed worth, it'll be way too much. I'm not holding my breath on that, because things change so quickly, but I would love to be able to do it.
He still has a reflux problem and probably will for awhile, so he still spits up a couple times a day. Everyone believes this is all normal and they see it a lot in babies. He is now taking Prevacid for it. It doesn't seem to be causing him too much pain or anything, so that's good.
He's going to be 6 weeks old tomorrow. I can't believe it!! It has gone by really fast. We only have another 6 weeks until his next surgery. Actually, Steve talked to them today and he's being scheduled in the next day or so. It could be anytime the week of Thanksgiving or the week after. I'm hoping for sooner rather than later, but I'll take what I can get! His surgeon is very confident that Joshua will only need about 3 weeks to recover and get out of the hospital and I'm so hoping he's right. Even if it's Christmas morning when he comes home, I'll be thrilled!! We'll just have to wait and see I guess.
Noah and Abby are doing well. They're coloring scenes of the prairies right now as I type. We just finished our map work and singing for the day. Daddy is doing really well with the spelling and science work. They are learning tons and having a good time as well. I'm proud of all of my kids. They are all dealing with their situations as best as they can, and I'm grateful for that. I took Noah and Abby to a pumpkin patch last Friday. Ok actually it was the straw and pumpkin display outside of Meijer, but hey who cares, we picked a pumpkin at least!! We usually spend lots of days in October at various farms and festivals and this year we haven't been able to do that, so I made them pose in the pumpkins at Meijer and I didn't care!! Next year we'll do it right again!
We got our van back and I'm so glad. It was a large bill, but it was worth it to have it back and in good shape. Hopefully it can keep up with this crazy back and forth to the hospital schedule (a 45 minute drive each way, done twice a day) until we're done with it.
Well that's about it for now. I need to finish a few things before it's my turn to head to the hospital. I thought I'd leave you with a picture of me and my baby. I've been wearing my glasses more lately. I just found them recently, they had been missing for a long time. I'm hoping they'll help with the headaches I've had lately, and so far they seem to be. Well anyway, have a great day!!
Oh Jamie, you look beautiful and Joshua is so handsome! Yay 10 pounds and Yay possible breastfeeding! How wonderful that would be for both of you!!
I think they will love looking back on the pumpkin patch outside of Meijer pictures. This is such a special time right now and will hold so many memories.
Not only is sweet Joshua a special boy, but so are his big brother Noah and big sister Abby. They have handled everything so well and you have every right to be the proudest mama on the block!
Your family is so special and I pray for you daily.
Lots of love your way!
Awwwww, great pics!! Love them both! It's nice to see a picture of you too. :)
Joshua is SO cute! Wow!
I'm pretty sure we'll be doing the Meijer pumpkin patch this year as well. haha!
Take care!
He is so sweet! I love that your picture is in front of Meijer! Thanks for keeping it real. Ha ha.
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