Thursday, October 1, 2009

3 weeks!!

Today is day 21, 3 weeks!! That means we're down to just 85 days or about 12 weeks to go. Joshua is now 3 weeks old!! Wow, I just can't believe my baby has been here for 3 weeks already! I took this picture while I was holding him today. He was stretching and yawning and trying to wake up! I think maybe it was all the flashes from the camera! We're trying to get him to be awake more during the day, so that in the evenings he will sleep. He seems to have that backwards right now. Oh well, we're working on it!

Today he didn't have much done as far as procedures or anything. He was scheduled for a dressing change on his PICC line, they didn't come while I was there, so maybe they came later when Daddy was there. I'll have to ask him. They upped his feedings again to 4ml per hour. He is continuing to gain weight and is now close to 8 pounds 4 ounces. That was Noah's birthweight! The results from his upper GI study done yesterday were that there were no blockages but maybe some constrictions. The fluid that they injected was able to get through but only in little wisps. So they didn't start feeds on the top portion yet. We're still going to wait until they can get the opened up more.

They did something called a sham feeding with him today. Basically they let him drink breastmilk from a bottle, only 5ml, and then they immediately suck it back out with the nasal tube. It's mainly just to let him have a taste of breastmik and to keep up with the sucking motion. It's so funny to me because we have to a person from occupational therapy and a person from speech therapy and our nurse, all present during this! How strange my world has become. I need all these people around to give my baby a tiny 5ml bottle! Luckily all those people are super nice ladies that I really like!! And while I may complain or seem bothered by all this, I'm grateful for every step forward and wouldn't trade it for anything. It's just still a little to hard to realize that this is our reality and so it's not always easy to accept but I do try to stay positive and grateful. I'm working on it.

Tomorrow we're switching the schedule again and I may not get to post until Saturday. I'm shopping the triple coupon deals at Bigg's tomorrow and I'm taking Abby for a haircut. Daddy will get a chance to meet our new resident Dr's for this month and hopefully the surgeons will come by so he can chat with them as well. We don't have anything big planned for Joshua tomorrow, so hopefully it'll just be a quiet day of healing and growing! Well have a great night and enjoy this awesome fall weather!! October is my favorite month!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Steve and Jamie!
What a cutie Josh is! We're so glad to hear that he's doing well. I see alot of resemblance to Steve and Noah in today's pic that I didn't see on the day I first saw him; but I can see alot of you in him, as well. We can't wait until he comes home!

Amanda said...

Glad that things are progressing! What will they do to improve the constrictions? Is that what the dilation is for?
How great that he is getting to taste the breastmilk, that is a big step!

SamandSawyersMom said...

He is precious...I see both kids in him a lot. Glad things are going well and he is moving towards coming home! What a sweet boy.