Today is day 20 of Joshua's life and that leaves just 86 days until Christmas and his hopeful homecoming!! Hey, isn't that nice of me to at least update you all on how many days you have to left to shop before Christmas!!
Joshua had the study done on the upper portion of his intestines and stomach today. We won't really know the results of that until tomorrow morning. It did show that he suffers from some serious reflux. Normally we wouldn't have known that until after he started feeds and was suffering from it, but now that we know ahead of time, we can hopefully alleviate the problem before it starts with some medicine or something. I was the one with him during the test today. It always intimidates me when I go in there for the tests. I've never had to do those kinds of tests for myself, so it's a bit scary for me. But it all went well and he was only mildly upset with us!!
Other than that it was a pretty quiet day. He enjoyed his feeds to the lower portion of his intestines. They actually upped the amount of the feeds to 3ml per hour and they lowered the liquid feeds they're still doing in the iv. He gained weight again and is over 8 pounds now!! Yay, he's just a few ounces away from his birth weight now!! The surgeons on this floor are used to seeing lots of tiny preemies so they always comment on how big he is. I think he's tiny!! I mean my other "babies" are 7 and 9, so compared to them, he's tiny!!! I guess it's all relative.
He's becoming more and more awake and alert everyday. He had several awake periods today and during those he was very alert and looking around and studying mine and Daddy's faces! I can't believe how fast he's changing already. He's such a sweet boy.
Well that's it for today. We may be starting feeds to the upper portion tomorrow (hopefully breastmilk), I'll let you know if that happens. Love you all!
Awww! He's precious!
I'm glad he is gaining weight!
Precious. Joshua looks like Abby and Noah. I'm happy to hear good progress. He looks beyond full term. He looks great. You can tell he's getting a lot of attention as well as the love and support from the family. It's in his facial expression. I'm sure things can get exhausting and sometimes questionable. But Children's Hospital is one of the best in the country. Premium Doc's. If time is what Josh needs before coming home you know its for the best. We've had our share of visits ourselves just not as extended of a stay as Josh. There's a couple good resturants in the area. The lunch buffet at the Mariott across from UC Hospital is good. Also good places on Ludlow. Or our house anytime. Thanks for the updates. Love Prayers and Hugs for All. couisin deb
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