Steve took these with our iphone and sent them to me. He's cute isn't he!!!
He was tested for all kinds of things yesterday and they found out that his intestine is blocked and is blocked by an atresia (click on the word atresia to find out what it is) and will require surgery. I'm not sure of the location pf the atresia, but I know it's lower in the intestinal tract. We should know more about when the surgery will be sometime today.
I have a chance of getting released today, but I still have issues with blood pressure and low potassium. I'm hopeful I'll get out though and finally get my chance to hold him. I know that will help lower my blood pressure some!!
With our family split up in so many different places, the stress of that is getting to us all. Eliminating this hospital will help I'm sure. One of the problems is just communication between Steve and I. He's not allowed to call from our phone on the whole wing there, so he has to completely leave the floor to call me and that's been difficult for him to do and then I just can only sit here and wonder what's going on until he can call. Plus we're all so sleep deprived right now (Steve more than me as I got a little sleep just now), so that's making things harder as well.
Abby and Noah are doing pretty well. You can kind of tell that they're a bit uneasy about all of this too, but they're doing well. They would love to see their brother again, but haven't gotten to yet. They;re actually going to Kings Island today with some family and I'm glad they get to go out and have some fun and take their little minds off things for now. That helps my stress level too!!
Well I better go for now. I need to pump again and maybe rest a little more. I'll update again when I can. Thanks for all the prayers and visits. It means a lot to us all.
What a sweet sweet boy! I love those chubby cheeks! Praying for him and you guys. Praying you're all home together again soon!
Aww, Jamers, he is a doll. He will do just great I know it. I know its hard for you to be in a hospital separated from him. I went thru that with Daws when he was born. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your fam....love ya!
Jamie he is beautiful! What a blessing! I am praying for all of you and can't wait to hear how things went. I hope your discharge from the hospital goes smoothly and that you are with Joshua soon! He is gorgeous :)
Praying things are well now. Thanks for the update. My computer was down most of the weekend so I am just not catching up. God will provide a way ...
oh and in the 2nd pic down, he looks like abby so much
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