Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Quick Hello

I just wanted to say a quick hello.  The baby is doing well.  Our goal today is to get him off of the ventilator.  To do that we have to wean him off the morphine drip.  They will start giving him pain meds as needed instead of constant now.  He's been alert and looking around the last two days.  He always wakes up when the kids come see him.  I think that makes them feel good.  

I'm doing ok.  I"ve mostly healed except I have this one spot on the right end of my incision that absolutely kills me.  I still have to take my pain meds to even get out of a chair.  When the meds are wearing off, the pain just takes my breath away and I'm so tired of it.  Nobody seems to know what it is.  I had my staples out yesterday and I really hoped that would help but it didn't.  Hopefully it'll get better soon.

It's been very hard dealing with all of this emotionally for me as well.  I mean new moms are already horomonal and adding this to it, is just crazy.  I have so much mom guilt right now it's crazy.  I want to spend all my time with all 3 kids and I just can't yet, so that brings up lots of guilt.  

Well, I need to go now.  Please keep praying for us.


SamandSawyersMom said...

Are you home? I am guessing you just go to the hospital to see him each day right? Wow,I can only imagine how uneasy you feel. It will all happen eventually..I know the waiting game must be the worst.

Your children may not all be together but let me remind you that your being a complete example to them of how to love their children someday. They get it Jamie, they know how much you are doing for them and for their baby brother. WIth each day, they are feeling more confident that you will always be there for them as you have been for their brother. They must feel so safe now, so taken care of by not only their mom and dad but by the heavenly father that you and Steve have shown them. All along as you are making decisions and running here and there, your kids are seeing a dedicated mommy working to hold it all together and using her God's strength. What is better for them to see?
We are still praying.

Amanda said...

I am so glad things are going okay. I am praying for peace and healing for you all. Being a mom of a NICU baby is emotionally draining, add to that the fact that your baby had surgery and that you had surgery as well AND the hormones, and your family being separated - you are just saddled with so much. Take as much time for yourself as you can, you need it. You are being lifted in prayer by so many and are surrounded with so much love. You and your beautiful family.
As for the incision pain, I wondered if you had a drain tube in. When I had my c-section there was a pencil sized hole on the right side where a drain was and that pain was unbelievable! It just took time and I did as much walking as I could which seemed to help.
I hope that you feel better soon!

Char said...

Glad things are going ok. Sorry you are still in pain! Try and get some extra rest if you can.

sonya said...

we are off to disney..we will continue to pray. I was checking in for updates