Today is day 14 (2 weeks!!) of Joshua's life, which means we have about 92 days to go until he comes home.
Today is also Abby's 7th Birthday!! Happy Birthday my baby girl!!!!
Today went pretty well. His output from the nasal tube lessened greatly and was very clear, Praise the Lord!! Tomorrow they may not suction it anymore and just let it go on it's merry way down the intestines!! He had another dilation of the stoma to try and help things along. Hopefully that'll help also. He also had his PICC line replaced. That wasn't much fun for either of us as I was assigned with the job of holding his head still and while he was screaming, that wasn't easy. I felt like such a bad guy trying to keep it still, but I managed. It didn't take too long thankfully and all is well now. He was mostly quiet and sleepy today except for that. I hope he's been that way for Daddy tonight as well (I haven't heard yet). He hasn't gained weight in 2 days because they had to change his IV feeds due to the PICC being misplaced. Again, hopefully tomorrow, that'll get worked out as well.
I also just want to mention how wonderful the Dr's are there. I love them all so far. He has this wonderful resident neonatalogist who always takes time to stop by and see me personally, nearly every day. She is so kind and caring. I just love her and tomorrow is her birthday. I hope I see her so I can tell her happy birthday!!
For Abby's Birthday today I woke up early to make her chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and sprinkles. I know she loved it because everytime a family member called today to wish her a happy birthday, that was the first thing she told them. I also got her, her favorite meal for dinner: Frisch's kids meal with macaroni and cheese. And since we had her party at the mall and couldn't really do any candle lighting, I got her a hot fudge cake and put candles in it. Noah and I sang to her (Daddy had already left for the hospital) and she blew out the candles. We also read a Curious George Birthday book and while I was gone today, she and Noah enjoyed Beverly Hills Chihuahua in the theater. She said it was a good day and I'm glad. I am relieved to have that over, I don't have another kid birthday until January and hopefully things will be back to normal by then.
The flaming hot fudge cake!! And yes she is still in her pajamas at dinner time. It's her birthday after all, she doesn't have to get dressed!!
Sitting in her special birthday chair!! I decorated it for her as a surprise!!
So that's the update for today. More tomorrow...
Happy Birthday Abby! What a special day - or several days she had! You are a great mom!!
Glad things are going well at the hospital. The private room looks nice - love the window!!
Hope that today is an amazing day for you all!! lots of love and prayers!
Looks like she had a great birthday! :)
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