Monday, September 21, 2009

95 Days To Go

Today we have 95 days until Christmas which is our goal to have him home, so that's the countdown I'm doing. It's day 11 of Joshua's life and his stay in the hospital. Today he gained weight. He started out life weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces and after the removal of the cyst and not eating for a while, he had lost over a pound. Now he's back to 7 pounds 9 ounces. His stomach contents are coming out clearer and clearer, this is a great sign. As the intestines heal and allow the contents to come through, what we suck out the nose will be come clearer, so that means he is finally getting things moving in there. He slept most of the day and wasn't too cranky. I held him a lot and got to hold him chest to chest with his head up by mine and we snuggled for awhile. I loved it!!
Daddy is with him this evening while I'm home with Noah and Abby. We had dinner and are spending time together. We're all about to head upstairs for showers and laundry folding. The schedule overall went well today. I may go in earlier and leave a tad earlier to avoid some traffic tie ups. Today he was wearing that cute sleeper in the picture that my mom got him for his baby shower. He almost looks "normal" in that picture. The sleeper hides his many cords and cables and you can just barely see his nose tube. He looks very handsome!!
He has a procedure scheduled for Wednesday to dilate his illiostomy (the stoma that is the end of the upper portion of his intestine) to try and get things moving more. Other than that, we're just waiting for him to get things rolling in there and we can start feeding him breastmilk. I'm stocking up in the meantime!!
Well that's all for today. Goodnight!!!


Amanda said...

He is beautiful! Glad things are moving along.
Will he be under for the procedure?
Glad the pumping is going well also.

Lura said...

So sweet! Yeah for the weight gain! Enjoy the time you have with him 1:1. If everything had been "normal", you wouldn't have had that special time (at least not as much)!