Today is day 72 of Joshua's life and hospital stay. That leaves just 34 days until Christmas (it's getting close, do you have your shopping done yet?), and his hopeful homecoming. And we have just 8 days to go until surgery. We've learned who our nurses will be before and after surgery. We're happy with them! This week will go by fast too since we have just two regular days the whole week! Monday and Tuesday will be normal, Wednesday, Noah and Abby are coming for their visit, Thursday is Thanksgiving and Friday Steve doesn't work, so we'll have a different schedule. Then it's the weekend which is always quick and then it's surgery day!! I just want it all over. I'm so tired of the tubes going in his belly and things coming out of his belly. His nurse Dawn was singing "All I Want for Christmas is My New Bell-Ly" to him yesterday. It was so cute!! That's what I want too!!
Joshua weighs around 11 pounds 11 ounces. He is still growing, but a bit slowly. He's really growing lengthwise though. Every few days I have to "retire" another sleeper because he's too long for it!! I'm glad he's growing! A couple of days ago, our nurse let me change his ostomy bag. Now this is honestly a pretty nasty job, but I loved doing it. I got to actually feel like his "caregiver" instead of just a hand holder. I am allowed to change his diapers and feed him, which of course are important jobs, but I want to do it all!! I wish they'd let me do it all while I'm there. I'd love it. But they can't. I will be glad though when we don't have ostomy bags anymore!! Just 8 more days!!
These pictures are from last night. I took the kids outside in the sunset and took lots of picture with that beautiful natural lighting. Enjoy!
Great pictures! I love Abby's outfit in the bowling pics!
I am so glad surgery is almost here! Then it is almost home!
I can't believe there are only 34 days until Christmas. I had better get busy!!
This may sound like a dumb question, but does it hurt Joshua to have the ostomy bags changed? I know nothing about them. It just sounds uncomfortable, but I am sure he is so used to it.
I am glad that you have nurses that you are happy with for the surgery! That must be a relief.
I can't wait to see pictures of the kids together! How exciting!!!
Joshua looks so serious in the top pic! Love your playing in the sun pics, especially the big shadows one! And the picture of you is really good!
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