Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 77 - Thankful

Today is day 77 of Joshua's life and hospital stay. He's 11 weeks old now!! We have just 29 days until Christmas and Joshua's homecoming. We have only 3 more days until surgery (when I count down, I don't count the day I'm in now and the day of the event, in case you were wondering!!).

Today I'm thankful and probably most people are, so I thought I'd just share a few of the things I'm thankful for today.

I'm thankful that....

I've been blessed with an awesome husband and three terrific kids!

Joshua now weighs over 12 pounds!

Noah and Abby got to visit Joshua for a few hours yesterday!

The child life people at the hospital do such nice things for us like making a welcome sign for Noah and Abby!

Joshua's final cystic fibrosis test came back negative!
Tomorrow we begin getting ready for surgery by putting in a new PICC line (a central IV)!

Noah and Abby have remained healthy and happy during this difficult time in their lives!
I have a wonderful husband who has truly been my partner in this!

I have somewhere to go for Thanksgiving where I'll be spending time with lots of my family!

My baby is healthy in spite of his condition!

Our van is still going strong!
We have a wonderful home and soft bed to come back to every night!

So many people have offered us such encouraging words during our struggle!

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now! It's almost over!
I'm still able to pump breastmilk with hopes of being able to nurse my baby when he comes home!

Noah and Abby were just enamored with their little brother!

Joshua smiled at his brother and sister!

The dishes are done and laundry is relatively caught up!

Gymboree is having a big sale!
I have sooo much more to be thankful for, but I'll leave it at that for now. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I'll update more again soon!


Lura said...

How fun to see your kids together!!! You are indeed blessed! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Amanda said...

I bawled like a baby when I saw these pictures! How special. They all look like siblings, definately!
I can't get over how much Abby is looking like you now. She is a beautiful girl. :)
You are blessed, Jamie.