It's been a fun few weeks, and although I didn't want to post, so we could all hear more of Sonya's top 10, I will give you all a quick update!
We had a great time at Trunk N Treat with Sonya, Steve, Sammy and Sawyer. Her boys were so cute in their themed costumes. I loved them!! We got tons of yummy candy and enjoyed very nice weather. It was lots of fun.
I took the kids to Miamisburg Mound for a field trip. It was such an awesome trip. It's a conical shaped Indian burial mound near Dayton. We went on Halloween, I guess that might make it spooky, but it was during the day and not spooky at all!!! We climbed the rock steps to the top where the view was just incredible. The whole park is on top of a hill and then going up to the top of the mound makes your view 360 degrees and miles in each direction. The trees were full of beautiful leaves. We were the only one's there most of the time, except some men working to repair the platform at the top of the mound. They had to carry 40lb bags of concrete mix up those stairs. They worked on that the whole time we were there, that must've been really hard work!! There is a small but very nice park there as well, and we played on the playgrounds, and brought a picnic lunch. After we ate, we sat on our blanket and did Math lessons and the kids played in the leaves awhile. It was just so peaceful and beautiful. Oh and we made sure to pray for the Indian's souls buried in the mound while we were on top too. It was just so nice and I was sitting there thinking, this is why I homeschool. This beats any old classroom any day!!
Well yes we also Trick or Treated that day too!! We got yet even more delicious candy which will make great doorprizes for Noah's Birthday in January!!! If I don't eat it all first!! Again that night we had nice weather, though it was weird that it wasn't as dark as usual until the end due to the new time change. It was still a lot of fun though.
Oh, I forgot we did carve our pumpkins, Abby chose Cinderella from our pattern book and Noah asked me to do a Lego one, so I freehanded it. It turned out pretty good, both of them did, I hope you can tell from the photo.
I've been doing a lot of bargain shopping and doing pretty well. It's a lot of fun to come home with bags of stuff for little $'s!! My coupon collection is now getting to where I want it to be, this will be my 4th week of buying 3 papers, so I'm getting a nice collection going.
My little cousin Zach celebrated his 5th Birthday with a bowling party. We all had a blast there. I scored the same as the kids, but I didn't have bumpers!! We really did have a great time there.
We went to a Birthday party for a brother and sister that are friends with our kids (both of their Birthdays are on Halloween) the brother was turning 7 and the sister 5. It was lots of fun. We still have two more parties in November, one for Abby's friend Samantha and the other for our niece Julie.
Yesterday Steve and I went out all day while Grammy (his Mom) watched the kids here. We went all over doing Christmas shopping, bargain shopping and our usual stop at Outback. Every year beginning with our honeymoon, we eat at a different Outback. Our honeymoon was in Maui, then we went to one in Massachusetts, two in Texas, one in Kentucky and now three in Ohio. It's always fun to pick which one we'll go to next. We also had lunch at Panera and I ran in to get us a piece of pumpkin cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory for dessert. We've been so frugal and really been good with our budget, that this was our big splurge day and it was so worth it. We had a great time. We got tons of gifts and even some groceries from our new Aldi's in West Chester. We left around 9:15 and got home at 7. Good times!!
Well I better go get things moving for church. I may go ahead and make a crock pot meal for dinner, since I'm up so early!! Have a great Sunday!!
Abby bowling right down the middle!!
Trick or Treating
Noah bowling at Zach's party
Noah's math lesson at Miamisburg Mound
Abby's lesson at Miamisburg Mound
our pumpkins
The kids running up to the mound.
Abby as SnowWhite for Halloween

Noah as a Lego Bionicle Red Piraka
Your pumpkins look fantastic!!! good job!
I loved hearing about your field trip to the Indian burial mound, that sounds soo neat and peaceful.
The kids look too cute in there costumes.
Your full day alone with Steve sounded great too...I hope you two have a wonderful anniversary.
I love your pumpkins! They are awesome! i LOVE aBBY'S Sow White costume, I bought my niece the same one for her birthday...she's 2 and LOVES all Princesses!
Your field looks and sounds like it was a lot of fun!
Glad you have had a good couple weeks!
I also wanted to thank your for breaking up your paragraphs! It's soooo much easier to read!
Oh crys' comment made me laugh about the paragraphs. The smallest things please her.
I wouldn't enjoy going to those cultural places but i am glad you do. My kids will have to get that from someone else or I can grin and bear it..ha.
We had fun at trunk or treat too.
Abby looked gorgeous in that pic of her as snow white. For some reason, she looks like she is 2 or 3. I had no idea why. Noah looks eh er scary??? I love his pose.
You are my favorite person right now because of the deals you shared.
I love th eoutback idea. Have you gone to ours on RT4 yet?
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