Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dental Musings

Why does it seem like the Spanish Inquisition when you take your children to the dentist?  Do they brush 2 times a day???  Well, uh, no not always two, but definitely once before bed time.  Do you help them brush???  No, not usually, they seem to do it pretty well by themselves.  Do they floss???  No, not really.  Do they eat lots of fruit snacks or fruit roll up???  No, I wouldn't say a lot, but every now and then.

Geesh, they can turn the most confident parent into a weeping mess!!!   I knew I was in trouble when they pulled out the floss and Abby said "what's that??"

But hey, no cavities (none yet for either child) and I keep bringing them in every 6 months like I'm supposed to, so they haven't won yet!!!


SamandSawyersMom said...

oh the floss comment had me rolling!!

What a hoot.

We have got to get to the dentist!

Char said...

haha!! what's that? haha! funny!

I know what you mean. Get this - our dentist put "mom is overprotective" on Travis's dental chart. Nice, eh?! All I did was ask her politely if she could give Travis a red toothbrush since that was his favorite. And I did not want flouride treatments. And I also told her that he has a hard time with getting x-rays and he hasn't been able to yet because he gags too easily. So if that makes me "over protective", then so be it!!

Oh well... I'm glad they don't have any cavities! whoohoo!!

Jamie said...

Yeah, they tried the x-ray with Abby today and she gagged and they couldn't do it either!! Noah couldn't do it his first time either, now he has done it. Maybe next time for Travis and Abby!!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is funny.

I can only imagine how Olivia's first dentist trip is going to be somedday!!

Anonymous said...

ha ha that's funny. Daws has never flossed either. He does brush in the morning and before bed though........I haven't had dental insurance in three years so he needs to go badly!