Monday, May 14, 2007

The last few days

Well this has been an exciting few days. Last week Steve was gone three of the days and we had school, baseball and dance class to do, the usuals!! We got through that pretty well. He came home Friday and we went out to look for a new grill. We also got a movie, Dreamgirls and ordered Larosas in. It was a very nice night. It was kind of like a date in our own home. I really liked Dreamgirls, but Steve's not big into musicals so I don't think he enjoyed it as much. I thought it was really well done and I loved all the songs. Saturday was sort of a day off, no baseball, so we went out in the morning to do some shopping. We went to the Disney store at Tri-County to spend our Disney reward dollars from the Visa. That's always fun. When we came home I had to finish getting the house cleaned up and ready for Sunday. I also went shopping to finish up the gifts and get the food for Sunday. We made both Mom's photo cards, we used pictures from when we were both kids up until having the grandkids and we each wrote hallmark greeting like messages throughout. It was very nice and they both loved it. For Steve's Mom we got her a bunch of scrapbooking stuff, she loves making them for her family and a really cute lemonade making kit that we put together. It was a cute gift. My mom always gets a rose to plant, so we got her that, some annual bulbs to plant as well and some red Kitchen-Aid items (she collects red Kitchen-Aid). I woke up Sunday and came downstairs to find two big giant cards and two little kids holding them. They drew pictures on the front of our family complete with googly eyes and inside Daddy took pictures of them making gestures to the words I Love You and he printed out the three different pictures and glued them in and then they used glue and glitter to write out Happy Mothers' Day. They were very nice and creative cards. When Daddy took them shopping for me the only thing they could agree on was a beatiful new trashcan!! While they may not sound like a traditional Mother's Day gift, it was something I really wanted, a fancy stainless steel one to match the appliances in my kitchen. I love it. So we then spent the morning at church, taking care of the babies and then we went to finally get the grill at Lowe's. Of course we had to get the one with the new infra-red technology, who knew grills had technology!! We brought it home and then Noah and I went to the Titanic exhibit at the museum. He had been begging me to take him for awhile and I kept putting it off and yesterday was the last day so we went down. I had already seen the exhibit in columbus, but I loved it and was happy to see it again. I really enjoyed explaining things to him and showing him those things. He was very interested in all of it. We didn't stop and read every sign or anything so it only took us about 45 minutes to get through it and I let him pick out one of the kid books they were selling and he read the whole t hing before we got home!! When we got home I started getting the food ready for our barbecue and then our parents came and we had a wonderful dinner. We sat outside on the deck, the sun was behind the house and it was nice and shady. We had bbq chicken, hotdogs, baked beans, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, broccoli pasta salad, fruit and dip, hawaiian sweet rolls and fresh made chips from the Kroger Chippery. It was all so yummy!! For dessert I made banana splits. We all laughed and laughed and had a wonderful evening. Oh and my Dad took for a spin in the car with the top down. I loved it, I want to rent one for a weekend for me and Steve to go somewhere. It would be so fun. So last night we watched Survivor and if it couldn't be Yao-Man, I'm glad it's Earl. This has been one of the best years of Survivor in awhile. So today was Noah's field Day and I spent the whole day at school with him. I was the third place ribbon diva!! There were 25 events for boys and 25 for girls. It seemed to last forever. I made sure Noah was slathered in sunscreen but as usual neglected myself and now my face is very red/tan!! They let us take our kids out for lunch so I took him to Skyline which is his favorite. It was a nice day. He ended up with 15 different ribbons. Now I'm really tired and maybe after a nice long bath and yummy dinner, I'll post pics from all these crazy events. Tomorrow Abby's school is having Muffins with Mom, so I'll be there all morning and then Wednesday Noah has a field trip that I'll be going to all day for that!! It's a busy week!! Only 9 more school days for Noah and 4 for Abby. I CAN MAKE IT!!! Well see ya all later!!

PS. My new NSSS is Charity. She's a wondeful and extremely loving mother of two boys Jacob and Travis. She has devoted her life to making sure they are properly raised and educated to be responsible and loving men. She enjoys Disney (gotta love her for that), scrapbooking, Sonic, Target and Skyline....maybe more, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. From the moment I first met her I knew we would be friends. She's very easy going and makes you feel very comfortable. I enjoy spending time with her and hope to do more so in the future. I'll have more on Charity coming soon, say stay tuned!!!


Amanda said...

It sounds like you had a fantastic mother's day! The lemonade kit sounds like a really cute idea. What do you put in it?

I admire your being able to handle things so well while your husbands away. You are superwoman!!!

It sounds like you have such a busy week ahead of you. Remember to take time for YOU!!!

Have a great night.

SamandSawyersMom said...
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SamandSawyersMom said...

i would LOVE to have the kit recipe.

your husband was very nice to help the kids with the card