Noah had a baseball game last night. Here's some pics from it. They won a close one this time. The whole team did really well and Noah got two hits and made a couple plays. It was a nice evening. No sun and mild temperatures made it all very enjoyable.
For Amanda: From Wikipedia: A digital audio player (DAP) is a device that stores, organizes and plays digital music files. It is more commonly referred to as an MP3 player....From Jamie: An Ipod is an MP3 player made by Apple. The different ones hold different amounts of songs, pictures, etc...I have a Nano and I think it holds around 500 songs. I only have about 100 on it. You upload songs from either purchasing them online or putting your Cd's on the computer and transferring them that way. It also holds photos. You can make playlists and organize your songs by working out, cleaning, driving, etc...and then go only to those or you can just chose to play them through. I hope that helps!!
I really like Noah's sport's glasses. He looks very young in the close up picture. His baby teeth make him look younger. Has he lost any teeth yet?
Abby's bruise makes her look like a litte tough girl ready to put a beatin' on someone. She is adorable.
Do you guys all wear REDS shirts? My kids all have them now so we could come and cheer him on.
Amanda: I don't have a MP3 either. I am no up to date on stuff and don't really have a desire to be.
We wear Reds shirts sometimes, but not all the time. Noah has lost three bottom teeth and no top teeth yet. They're holdin' on for dear life!!
aww he's cute
It helps. I never knew what they were. Love the pics of your kiddos. I agree with Sonya about Abby. She is a doll! aBBY, NOT sONYA. wELL, sONYA YOU ARE TOO. I hate caps lock. Noah looks like he is having fun! Gabe's teeth didn't want to fall out either!
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