Saturday, May 5, 2007

Mother and Daughter

An aunt, my grandma, a cousin, my other aunt, Abby and my mom

Abby, my mom and me!!

Tonight we went to my grandmothers church for their annual mother daught banquet. This is the same church I went to as a child. My great grandmother also goes there. She was there, my grandmother, my mom, two aunts, two great aunts and I think 7 cousins plus me and Abby. It was a very nice night. My grandma made me my absolute favorite food, her special made from scratch chicken and dumplings!! Oooh, I had been singing about them all day!! They were so good. It was a fun night.


Amanda said...

That would have been really neat. I bet it was special for you g-grandma and grandma to have you all there.
I love the picture of you, your mom and Abby. You look very pretty!
I am glad you had such a fun time. The chicken sounds delicious!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh you look so beautiful in that pic. You are glowing....did you get lucky last night?

Carrie said...

That is really neat!!! To have all the different generations together!

Lura said...

I used to love mother daughter banquets. I used to go to them all the time. Our church doesn't do them now.

Char said...

That is so sweet! My Mom used to take me to them when I was little.

Crystal said...

You do look very good in that picture! Looks like you have gotten some sun while you've been out workin in your yard.

Hey, did you ever open the gift that I got you???