Noah is in the back car with barefeet!!
First of all....THANK YOU CRYSTAL!! I loved my gift, I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner. I have no good excuse other than being a dumdum. I still can't believe you thought of me for it. It's perfect. We'll use it as soon as we get a quiet night together as a family. I love it!!
We've had a nice week. We went to Kings Island on Sunday. We went ahead and got passes for the year. The weather was so nice and the crowd was pretty light. We went in the evening when everyone was leaving. WE rode lots of kiddie rides and the Scrambler, a family favorite. Noah rode the big Runaway Reptar for the first time with his friend Jonah. Jonah's family was there at the same time, unplanned, but fun!! Noah really liked the ride, even saying it was his favorite of the day. It was a nice evening. This week we've been busy with baseball and school. There seems to be so much to do at the end of the year, I'll be glad when it's over!! We're getting ready for a fun summer. Steve's family does a really fun weekend for the 4th of July and I think this year we're meeting at Lake Cumberland. I can't wait to see what they have planned for us to do this year! WE have lots of kids baseball games this summer too. I love baseball!! WE have several cousin birthdays which should be fun, Vacation Bible School in July, Labor Day Weekend we're going to Gatlinburg with my parents and my brothers family and then at the end of summer it's Disney. It should be a great summer. Plus we have passes to the museum, zoo and Kings Island now so we have lots of fun in store. Well I need to go clean, Steve's out of town today and tomorrow and then for the weekend we're having my parents and his mom over for a Mother's Day barbecue!! I have a lot to do for that. So have a great day!!
You are so welcome, Jamie! That's okay that you forgot about it, that's what I figured. I am just glad you liked it. I wanna hear about how it goes when you use it.
Your summer sounds soooo fun! We are still planning our vacation with the kids, not sure which place we ar going yet. I love summertime! We had KI passes last year and we rarely used them since it was so far away but now I wish I had them again since my inlaws live right around the corner from there and we are over there all the time! I am buying a pass to the Y soon and I can't afford to buy passes to both.......oh well, maybe I will win the lottery that I don't play! SM
Wow, it was nice to hear from you and about your exciting life. I wish we had the summer off to do whatever but I know you are thankful for it. I am looking forward to going to the museum with you guys this summer. It is getting hot, i know that.
I loved the KI pics. it makes me want to get a pass too but we too can't afford the y and that.
Abby seems to be getting cuter everyday. I can't wait to see her in her T BAll pics with her pink glove. Good luck while Steve is are good at that!! I stinkadn whine the whole time.
Did I miss it or didn't you say anywhere what the gift is? Just curious and nosey.
Glad you had a great Sunday with your family at KI. I would love to take the boys some time.
Your summer sounds amazing!
Looks like you had fun at Kings Island! Have you ever been to Cedar Point??? You can use your passes there too (I think) since Cedar Point bought Kings Island! We go to Cedar Point every year, its better than Kings Island. They have Hallow-weekends in October which is soooo fun, all the rides are open and they have haunted houses and hot chocolate. Its so fun since its right on Lake Erie!!!
KI looks like fun. I was there 19 years ago, but not since. I'm so glad you had a fun time. Hope all is well with the hubby gone...I'll be mthinking of you
Ooops, Sorry Jamie!
are you going nun on us?
don't mean to be demanding but I was wondering if you would be kind enough to have a post here sometime this weekend? Thank you for your cooperation and have a pleasant afternoon.
I hope that you had a super duper day.
I want a post but don't be MAD
Me lovig you should make you GLAD
Paw Paw: Jamie, please post soon, I need to read about my great grandchildren. Thank you....
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