Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Level 2 Ultrasound

We had a 2 hour long ultrasound today and here's the info we have now. Please bare with me, I have some information, but not all at this point. Poppy's intestine (I believe large intestine) has a perforation and where that occurred, a cyst formed. According to the Dr. we saw today, this will have to remedied by surgery after Poppy is born.

He is still breech and measuring bigger all around than what my dates say he should be. So that means he probably won't be moving and will be delivered via c-section. So the plan would then be to deliver him and transfer him via ambulance to Children's hospital for his surgery as soon as he is stable enough for the transfer. I don't know yet, if they want to take him early or if we can wait a few more weeks. According to the ultrasound today, he already weighs around 6 pounds. But I know those estimates can be off a bit.

Our first step is to go to Children's hospital (they are supposed to call later today with my appointment info), have an MRI done to verify the diagnosis, have an EKG done (although the Dr. said the heart and everything else looked great and he should know he spent sooo long looking at everything!), meet with the surgeon and then have a "team meeting" with the surgeon and the Dr. we saw today to make all the decisions and plans. Then I'll have more concrete info.

One scary part of this is that this condition he has is seen in patients with cystic fibrosis. It doesn't necessarily mean he has that, but it means he might. I don't know for sure how we go about figuring that out yet.

At this point I am so relieved to know that this problem can be fixed, although, I'm very upset that I will be stuck at another hospital recovering from my surgery while he's at Children's having his. I want to be with him. He may be whisked off before I can hold him and snuggle him. And I don't know how in the world I'm going to nurse him when I may not see him for a couple of days. I guess I'll just pump or something, I don't know.

I guess it'll all work out in the end. I did get to see a 3D image of his face and he's very cute!! Now it's another waiting game and I'll post more info as I get it!

Thanks so much to everyone for their prayers. I can truly feel a peace that I know is answer to someone's prayer and I'm so thankful for it.


Amanda said...

I will keep praying for you all! I am glad that you are getting some answers. <3

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh Jamie.
I feel like anything I type will be wrong or stupid to say. What I do know is that God will take care of you and your family the way he always has. Also, I feel better knowing you are at one of the best Children's hospitals on the planet.
Incase CS ends up being the issue, I have the BEST person for you to talk to (other than the docs) because she is a SA officer with a child right here in Cincy with CS. You may remember me writing that I visited little Brianna in the hopsital. Anyway, Donna is so knowledgeable about CS and the struggles. She would even be able to talk to you about the right home health nurses and everything since you guys live within 30 miles of eachother (I think). She lives in Montgomery. Anyway just a thought incase CS is discovered. I can imagine that you would want to know everything that the docs don't cover..like day to day care and all that.
I just wanna come hug you. I am so thankful for your peace cause I am sitting here a hot mess. I know it will be okay, I am just worried.
Some women (like my friend Keely) pump for a year so you can certainly do that until he is ready to nurse all the time. Let me know if I can do anything.