Quick post:
I'm 32 weeks today!! My blood pressure (according to my at home monitor) has now settled down a bit to about 131/85. That's a bit better. The swelling has subsided. My belly seems to be continually growing, but we'll see about that next week. I have just 5 more days until the ultrasound. Poppy has been very active today and yesterday. Today I looked down as we were out running errands, and my belly was completely lopsidded!! It looked so silly!
Nesting has kicked in some and today I'm cleaning out our laundry room, installing a hanging shelf and putting together a 3 shelf organizer for the floor. I also purchased a new bookcase for all of our books. You know you're a homeschooler when you have bookshelves in your formal dining room, kitchen table eating area, hallway, etc...
Noah and Abby are starting a homeschoolers soccer league tonight. It's only on Fridays from 6:30-8:30. It's a bit of a drive, but it seems really great. I'm really excited about it. It's just a mom and dad who decided to organize this for their kids and now they have over 130 kids signed up this year!!
My baby showers are in 2 weeks!! I can't wait!!
Tomorrow is another Lowe's project day. Daddy enjoys taking the kids to those. It's their special time. I stay home and relax!!
We just finished our 2nd week of schooling. (Only six more weeks to go until our big break!!) We had a great day of spelling tests, math lessons, math bingo, handwriting, nature walk and leaf collection, geography lesson, and we made a cake and decorated it to look like the world map. That will be yummy later!!
Well that's it, the laundry room is calling!!!
I am glad that your blood pressure is settling down. That has to be a huge relief.
Your pregnancy belly is beautiful! I loved the lopsided look, although I didn't get the normal look with the triplets!
I am glad that you have a soccer league for the kids. I am sure they will enjoy that!
So excited for you! Hope you are feeling well and getting everything done that you want to before the baby arrives. It sounds like you are!
Congratulations on your pregnancy and new baby! Very excited to see if the baby is a he or she :) Glad you're doing well!
pretty belly. Glad things are going well. we start school next week
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