This was actually taken at Steve's Mom's later in the day, I gave him a silly pose to show off my new bracelet!!
This is our Christmas Morning. I could not sleep at all. I woke up probably 20 times to check the clock. Around 6:45, I was done checking and got up. One of us always goes down first to get the cameras ready and turn on the lights on the tree. Steve did that and went to wake up the kiddies. They were sleepy but excited! I tried to get their picture at the top of the stairs before they came down but it's very dark and blurry. They came down and saw that Santa had come and left Noah the Lego set he had asked for and Abby the Baby Alive she wanted. They were both very excited about that. They could also see sticking out of their stockings a Webkin for each of them. We started opening presents with the kids giving each other the gift they picked out for each other. Noah is crazy about frogs, especially tree frogs and Abby got him the tree frog peeper, it's a wooden frog with a spot to hold his glasses, so it looks like the frog has giant eyes. They sell them in the optical part of Walmart. Noah got Abby a Littlest Pet Shop mini set. They were both very pleased with the gift choices. Then we started opening all the gifts. Noah got tons of Legos and the new Cars that are out. When we were in Disney, we went to the Lego store downtown and had a brick made with Noah's name on it. He loved that. It's just a little green brick that says his name, but he loves it! Abby got play-doh, Littlest Pet Shop, Shining Stars, Rescue Pets and an Easybake Oven. They were all very happy. Now I have to say that my husband has always been a good gift giver. He doesn't usually give a lot of gifts throughout the year, but on Birthdays and Christmas, he's really great at it. This year, he was partnering with my mom on the Rachael Ray cooking stuff and got me another pan with a sandwich press and the big knife set. I was so excited when I saw those, like a little kid!! He also got me a bracelet from Tiffany's. It's sterling silver and just beautiful, I love it. It came in the Tiffany blue box. When I saw the box, I nearly died! I was so excited. The kids got me gifts too. Abby chose the Betty Crocker cake decorating kit that has a commercial about a zillion times a day on Nickelodeon and Noah chose a very nice candle for me. I took the kids with me for all the things I got Steve, so there wasn't anything in particular that was "from them", but they had input on all of his gifts. We got him a Reds giftpack with a new shirt, a bag of peanuts, some Cracker Jacks and $40 in giftcards to buy tickets to a game. We got him a photo of the Bengals stadium framed, a game for the Wii, a stand for the Wii, some sports thingies that you put the Wii controller into and some new sleep pants. He also got me some Mickey Ears to add to my collection in the kitchen. It was such a great morning and then by 9:15, we were ready to go...........