Our Christmas Eve was very nice. We had breakfast at my parents at 9 in the morning. We had pancakes, bacon, sausage and eggs. Very delicious! Then we opened the presents from them and my brother's family. My parents got all of us so much, they are just spoiling us!! The kids got tons, Noah got several Lego sets and Abby got Littlest Pet Shop and Princess stuff. I got the big Rachael Ray pots and pans set, a 500 different cookies cookbook and a Rachael Ray paring knife and Steve got a big saw and power drill (honey do list coming up!!!). I couldn't believe how generous our parents were this year. They are just nuts!! They all really enjoyed the gifts we got them as well. We got my Mom more red Rubbermaid accessories for her kitchen and a family tree picture (the one we got together Sonya) and some art for her dining room. We got my Dad pictures of Bengals, Reds and Ohio States stadiums and framed them for his basement. My brother got a picture of B.B. King whose real first name is Riley so you can see where we got Riley's name! I mounted it on a canvas so it looked really cool. We got Tiffany a really soft blanket for their bed, some picture frames and a knife set for the kitchen. Riley got Little People Noah's Ark and another Little People set for the tub. It was just a nice quiet and loving morning. I had the best time. We all got so much that I couldn't believe we still had more stops to go to!
After that we lounged around their house for a little while and then we went to my Mamaw and Papaw's (my Mom's side). We had some ham and sides for lunch and then we exchanged presents there. It was funny because when we first got there my cousins and my aunt were all taking turns playing guitar hero!! That was a lot of fun to watch!! The kids of course got lots of great stuff, they always do! I think we have the best gift givers in our family. They always seem to just know what our kids and even Steve and I like and get us those things. They are the best. The adults did a gift exchange so we pretty much got what we asked for from that. It was again a very nice time. I loved being with everyone.
After that we went to 5 o'clock service at church. It was a kids program with kids singing and live animals walking around the sanctuary. We actually sat on an aisle right where the animals walked past. They had a llama, sheep, goats and a donkey (I LOVE donkeys!!). It was only about a half hour long, but it was very good. The kids sang and they had a family with a baby boy be Mary, Joseph and Jesus and then there were lots of kid angels and kid shepards. It was really sweet. Afterwards we got to pet the animals. Wow the sheeps coat is so thick! If you stick your fingers into it, you won't hit skin. The wool is so thick!! I thought that was so cool!! It was just a really nice service and I'm glad we got to go to it.
So we went home after that and had a pizza party for Jesus's Birthday. We ordered PapaJohns pizza, they were open until 7:30. We also made our cake which you can see in the pictures. It was very delicious. I put a candle on it for each of us. I used our favorite colors, a pink candle for Abby, green for Noah, purple for me and blue for Daddy. We each blew out our own candle and it was just a cool thing. We ate our pizza on party plates left over from kids' parties and we even had noisemakers. Just a good time.
And finally we got the kids ready for bed and then read Twas the Night Before Christmas as we always do.
Writing all that makes it seem like a lot and we even had people say that it was a lot, but it didn't feel like so much. I wouldn't give any of it up for a second. We had the best Christmas Eve and got to spend time with family and visit church. It was just a great day, we were all very content. And then there was Christmas Day...........
wow. I loved reading that. It does sound like a lot. We didn't do anything until 6 on Christmas Eve.
I am in love with your and Abby's matching sweatshirts.
did your mom like her family tree? Judy went bonkers over it and wants to order the extra frames. i need to look those up today.
The pic with Steve reading is priceless.
Riley looks so big and like his dad.
It sounded so perfectly wonderful. Glad oyu had a great. I am ready to see christmas!!
I love your cliff hanger!
I was going to say the same thing about yours and Abby's matching shirts.......too cute!
I loved reading your post and I love the party you threw for Jesus! That is just fabulous! We may start doing something like that..we usually only do the cake. I also love the pic of Steve reading to the kids......oh how precious!
Now, bring on Christmas day girlfriend!!! ha
Your Christmas eve sounds wonderful.
All the pets at church sound so fun! Did any of them wet their pants? Or worse...poop their pants?
I enjoyed looking at all your photos too.
Can't wait to read about Christmas!
what animal wear pants???
We got our matching sweaters from Steve's sister last year. She and Julie actually have the same ones too. We wore them several times this year and last because I'm always afraid Abby won't be able to wear them next year.
My mom loved the family tree, but I didn't use any of the frames. I used the pins that held the frames to put on three of the pictures, but I put more on with staples and glue. It turned out really well and she really liked it.
Oh and I was worried about the animals doing their business in there. It's carpeted and I wondered how we would clean up their mess on the carpet! Luckily no messes though!!
I also wanted to add that our main sanctuary in our church is really big, I think it seats at least 1000 and we had to bring in seats to form extra rows and had people standing in the back. It was just awesome to sing Christmas songs with so many people. I loved it.
wow, I am shocked so many people came.
i need to see a pic of your family tree.
i tried to order more frames today and the company said that they made literally a handful of the extras before linens cancelled the order so I won't find them. i googled even the upc and nothing.
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