Tuesday, July 10, 2007

ENT update

Sorry it took so long to post, we went to my parents after the appointment. Well she will be having the surgery on August 20th. That works out really well because they said after two weeks she should be completely healed and that still gives us two more weeks before our trip to Disney to make sure. The nurse was impressed with their size!! She'll be going to Children's Hospital and spending at least one night. I get to be in the room where she goes to sleep and I can stay until she is asleep. I then will be in the recovery room when she wakes up, so she's never awake and I'm not there. I can also stay overnight with her. She is also doing the adenoids. I was a bit upset when they said her voice will probably sound different from now on. The Dr. said that she could tell her tonsils were big just by the way she talked. She had her say "I like ice cream" and that sealed it for her. She said it sounded like she was talking with marbles in her mouth. That kind of surprised me, I hadn't noticed that before, Sonya have you? At least she'll be able to breathe better at night. When the Dr examined her she said it looked like her throat was a big red and took a strep swab to check and sure enough it came back positive. I can't explain that either. She doesn't have a fever, doesn't complain of it hurting, doesn't even stop eating or drinking. I don't know why it came back positive. My mom thinks it was a false positive. I don't know. I think I'll look that up tonight on the web!! So she's on amoxicillin now anyway, just in case. I think she's fine. If anyone knows Abby, they know she would never not tell us if she felt even the slightest bit bad and she hasn't mentioned it. Well I think that's all for now, thanks for thinking of us today!


Amanda said...

I am sorry she has to have surgery, but I am glad they are doing it now. They warned us about the voice change with both Gabe and Caitlin, we notice no difference. The big change is no sleep apnea, less snoring, easier swallowing...all worth it!
She's a little trooper - and so is her mama. You guys will do fine. And how great is it that you will have a trip to Disney to "celebrate."
I would question a false positive too. They usually complain! Maybe Abby is just so used to her throat not feeling right that she doesn't really notice it though. Does that make sense?

Crystal said...

OH I am sorry she needs surgery but Children's is a great place! They will let you be by her side the every minute except for surgery! They are wonderful to the parents and to the kids in my experience and I used to work there. They even let me sleep in the same bed as Daws when he was in there for 5 days. The make the kids feel very comfy and loved. You will be pleased I'm sure.

My son Cameron's sister on his dad's side gets positive strep tests alot with no fever and no signs of pain or anything! She doesn't even have her tonsils anymore and she still gets it!!! Strange! Maybe there are different degrees of strep or something.......who knows. Let us know if you find out online. I will be praying for Abby and for you. A Disney trip will make it all better! ha ha

Thanks for the update, I was definitely waiting to hear!

Crystal said...

Oh and as of right now.....the weather is looking pretty good for this weekend!!! You camping trip should have good weather!!! Actually I put in an order for sunshine and no humidity.....hope you're okay with that!

Jamie said...

Well I read up on strep throat a lot and it appears that she's probably a carrier of strep. It said that 10-20% of children carry the disease without being symptamatic. It said they are usually not contagious and unfortunately the antibiotic she is on probably will not get rid of it. It said that it's usually more obvious that they are a carrier when they continue to get full on strep throat over and over while no one else in the family does. She hasn't had it at all. I don't know, but this seems to be the most plausable idea.

Thanks for the well wishes (and for the weather Crys!) I have faith that everyone will be fine and camping this weekend will be great!

Carrie said...

Oh, I am so sorry she needs surgery. But its better to do it now. I will be thinking ad praying for her and you on August 20th! Atleast you know she will be in good hands at Children's Hospital. Thats wonderful that you will be with her when she is awake. How long will the procedure take?

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh gosh, sorry I didn't check this last night. I have never noticed her sounding like anything but Abby. I still can't say that i can hear a weird sound with knowing what I know.
Children's is good but God is better and in His hands she will be! We will all be sure He knows how special we all think she is don't you worry. I will make her a surgery kit (goodies out the ying yang) and give it to her the day before at sammy's birtrhday party. I hope you can still come. I will pray over her that day too. She will be fine, i know it.

The weather does look good for our trip except for friday day but who cares about that? I keep holding my breath watching the news cause you really can't trust them until Thursday about the weekend cause things change.

The thought of organizing crafts on top of everything else makes me crazy. I do not have anything like that prepared. Do you? I have plenty of outside things prepared including water balloons..yeah that's right.

How is Steve feeling after yesterday? IS he still groggy from the traquilizer dart? I mean we had to do something to get him through the last few days before camping!

I am waiting for BBB.