Here's a quick pic of our new tent. We practiced setting it up today and it went really well. It wasn't hard at all and took about 30 minutes to complete. We didn't put the rain shield thingy over it yet though, we can do that at the campsite. The rain shield is bright orange!!! I really like it so far, it's very spacious inside. It's the biggest one we saw when we were looking for a tent, but we got it half price!! We have air mattresses to sleep on, so hopefully we'll get some rest. We also bought some seam sealer that we're going to rub on today as well. Well here she's is, the orange stinger!!
That looks really roomy. You guys are going to have so much fun! I can't wait to hear all about it and see the pics.
Oh I like it. It is very cool. You guys are going to have fun especially my pal Steve. I know he is excited, he keeps calling and emailing me telling me so. I know Steve! It will come soon enough. Just 5 more wake ups and we will be there!
I'm so excited for you! Girlfriend, it looks big enough to drive my car into! ha ha That's awesome! I am getting excited for my trip too.......I sure do hope you and can start doing things together with Sonya instead of always separately! SM What is up with that???
That was supposed to say you and I can start........ugh!
I need to start proof reading!
She thinks I do not want you 2 together and I am hiding something... She is crazy. She is very suspicous and things I am purposely keeping you 2 apart??? That's my Crystal!!
Well call me crazy but what would you think?? We have done something with all three of us together ONE time and ever since, you do things with us separately. You will either invite me to do something and not Jamie or invite Jamie and not me.......hmmm What's up with that girlfriend!?
it is not on purpose. I do not have a big hosue (or a clean one) so i can't invite you all here. You can do the inivation too Crys. Jamie, am I keeping you 2 apart on purpose???
I wasn't talking about inviting us to your house......what about that 4th of July thing, we could both go to stuff like that with you....do I sound bitter! SM
I just want to get to know Jamers better that's all! I think the three of us had fun at the crop, I wanna do more of that!
Ok, ladies, stop bickering! ;)
Your tent looks awesome! I bet the kids are beside themselves with excitement!
US....stop bickering??? I don't think that's possible! SM
Very nice! I hope you have fun!
Don't tents get really hot and muggy?
then go out with just Jamie...why do i have to corrdinate it??
Jamie, please tell Steve that the flowers shaped like tents that he sent me was very nice and I thank him. Tell him it is coming....
i spell so many words wrong anymore...i think i need to hang around adults or read a book for goodness sakes
Geesh, a post about tents....!!!
Jamie, you go so long in between posts that we've learned to keep ourselves entertained until the next one! ha
Crystal, you are crazy!
By the way what does SM stand for? I've been wondering that for months now!
SM means smirk.......it means you are being sarcastic!
whoever thoguht if that musy be brilliant. crystal is crazy..we all know that.
Sorry, I wasn't here to check this awhile ago. Jamie's husband pulled up to go camping. I had to send him back home until Friday.
My husband just got home and I've never seen him so depressed....
Jmaie, his love for me might be bordering on obessive.
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