Ok, so the last two weeks I took the kids all over and did tons of fun things and now it's all catching up to me and I've become a slug!! We haven't left since Sunday and not much has gotten done around the house. I cleaned up a few rooms, did the dishes and took out the trash, but that's about it. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I just can't seem to get motivated. The kids love having time at home. Sometimes they beg to stay home, so I know they don't care about being here, I just start to feel guilty when there's so much out there!! Maybe today I can get it together, we'll see!!
You do alot with your kids and sometimes it's good to hang out at home and have some down time! Don't feel guily, summer just started and before you know it you will be running all over the place again!!! Relax and get your energy back and you will be fine!
That slug picture was funny! ha ha
I agree with Crystal, you need downtime too!
I didn't know what the pictures were until I read your post! I'm a little slow...like a slug!
the picture took forever to come up. i was like "come on already, you're moving like a slug" and then a slug pic came up.
that would be fuinny..if it were true.
stay home then
My kids love to stay home! But they also love to go places but not all of the time.
Stay home awhile and relax. You've been running since school started. :)
I think it's great you can take your kids to all of those places! :) I love seeing all of your pictures and hearing of your adventures.
I agree. Enjoy just being at home with your kids. You have all summer and can do all the fun things you want to do! You deserve the rest!!!
I think society tells us we have to go go go and do do do. We don't have to try to go everywhere and do everything. If you stay home for awhile every once in awhile, it makes the out times even more fun and exciting. Plus, when I am gone all the time, my home and cooking and stuff all gets neglected.
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