Thursday, June 21, 2007

Weekend Update!!

Like my SNL reference! Well, where to start? I guess with Father's Day. We had a visitor at church...Sonya and family!!! It was such a nice surprise to see her there. I hope she felt comfortable and enjoyed it! So after church we let Steve pick the drive-thru lunch on the way to my parents and he chose White Castle. We very rarely eat there and he loves it so that's what he got. We then went to visit my Dad and then we left to go to the Butterfly show at the Krohn Conservatory. We had a good time there again this year. We went last year on father's day too, dad's get in free!! We got one to land on Daddy and he was able to give us all a turn with it before it flew away. The kids were thrilled! So we went home and I made Steve a steak dinner which was marvelous!! He was a happy man!! This week we've been busy getting ready for this weekend. Steve and I are going up to Columbus for the Christian Home Educator's of Ohio Convention. It's tomorrow and Saturday. The kids are staying with my Mom and Dad. It turned out that a million things were also going on this weekend with the kids. Noah's team won their game tonight which means they are playing in the championship game tomorrow. I am devestated about missing it, but my Sonya has so graciously agreed to take him for me. My parents weren't able to go because my grandparents are celebrating their 50th anniversary tomorrow night with a special dinner. HAPPY 50TH ANNIVERSARY PAPAW, SORRY I HAVE TO MISS THE DINNER!! I LOVE YOU!! So Sonya's gonna take him and I'm relieved that we could work that out. Abby also has t-ball practice Saturday morning too. So there were a lot of different things I had to get ready for them. Lots of lists were made this week! Steve's been in Cali since yesterday. He'll be flying into Columbus in the morning and I"ll pick him up there. I am excited about a night in a nice hotel though. We got a free night at an Embassy Suites with his hotel points. I am also excited to see all the curriculum up close and personal and also learn from the different workshops. I hope I get a lot of good information! Actually out of the next 4 weekends, we are busy 3 of them!! This weekend is the convention, next weekend we're going to London, KY for two nights to see Steve's family and celebrate the 4th. We'll be boating and tubing on Laurel Lake again, I can't wait!! And then the Second weekend in July we're camping. We're getting very excited about that too. There's so much to buy and I love to shop!!! Well I need to go clean the car for my drive tomorrow and I'm making some yummy snacks for us. Have a great weekend, and I'll post again Sunday. I love you all, you're the best


Crystal said...

Wow, you are a busy girl!!! Oh that is so awesome of Sonya to take Noah to the game for you!!! What would we do without her!!?? I bet Sammy will be excited to watch Noah play too!!

Oh I bet you are soo excited to get some quality time with the hubby esp since he's been out of town! That's great.......I hope you guys get to learn alot at the convention and I hope it gets you even more excited about homeschooling......I think you will be great at it!!! Have fun this weekend!!!

Amanda said...

I am glad you have so many fun things planned.
Congratulations Noah! That is so cool!
You'll have to tell us all about the conference. Have fun, enjoy the time with your husband!!!

Char said...

Have a wonderfully fun weekend! Let me know how the convention goes. I have never gone to it but would like to. The thing is, I have WAY too much stuff as it is. Tell us what goodies you get and everything else about it. Have a wonderful relaxing weekend with your hubby. I hope Noah's gmae goes well. :)

SamandSawyersMom said...

Well, aren't you a busy body? Have funa dn learn alot to come and tellme. i want to know everything!! Save every form, flier and handout...please!

Lura said...

I can't wait to hear about the convention! Hope you have fun with your hubby!

Carrie said...

Your so busy! I don't how you do it all! Hope you had a good weekend with your hubby!

Crystal said...

Okay Jamers, we are all dying to know how the convention went so please fill us in!!!!

Crystal said...

Okay sista girl, we know you have lots to say so lets here it!