Abby and Noah
Noah and his rocket fishing rod
My aunt and uncles beautiful pond and yard

Me and Riley hanging out pondside

Noah's first fish
Our weekend was really nice. We picked Steve up Friday afternoon at the airport, went to Skyline for lunch/dinner and then went to the zoo's member night. Noah was excited to see the superhero show with Spiderman, Storm and the Green Goblin, but the show was lame-o!! It ended up being like a PSA (public service announcement) on nutrition and stranger safety and bullies, which are all nice things, but it was done in such a lame fashion. We left before it was over to avoid the mad dash of people going to the carousel for free rides!! We also got to see the Cheetah encounter and that was pretty cool. They basically talk about the cheetahs for awhile and then they set up this lure system to get them to show you how fast they run. Well the cheetah never got even close to full speed, but it was so cool to see how they just seem to glide across the grass. We were the first ones in the stands and got front row center seats, but as the show was starting, a large stream of people poured in, one was a family with 5 kids probably 8 or 9 to 13 in age and their dad told them to sit at our feet right in front of us, and we annoyed, but gave them room, well the boy right in front of Abby kept standing in her way and she couldn't see. I know it probably seems silly, but I was so frustrated because we sat there for 30 minutes to get the seats we got and they just come in late and block my daughter's view. Steve politely as he can told him to sit back down so she could see, but he was more upset than I was!! I was just frustrated about it. So Saturday we had baseball for both kids, and both at 9am. So I watched Noah's game while Steve coached Abby's practice. That's the last time we have a schedule conflict for the summer, thank goodness. We came home and I worked on flower bed some more and then we went to my cousin's graduation open house. Steve and Noah went fishing in their pond. Noah got to use his his rocket fishing rod that he got for Easter and it was a big hit. All the kids wanted a turn and the adults thought it was awesome. Noah ended up catching three blue gills. Everyone caught something, but it was gross because several of the fish were caught on bodyparts that were gross. We caught one on his gill and we couldn't get the hook out, so we cut the line and kept the hook in. My uncle caught one right through the eye, yuck! When he put that one back in, it stayed near the surface, flopped around awhile and eventually passed. I was lucky enough to keep the kids distracted so they didn't notice, it wasn't pretty! But we had a nice evening there. Sunday we went to church and came home for a few hours. Then we went to my newphew Aaron's 9th Birhtday party. The kids had a great time and it was a nice party as it always is at my sister-in-law's!! It was a nice fun weekend.
I wascracking up about the fish "passing". Only you would use that word instead of "dead as a door nail" or something colorful. I had re-read it to make sure that it was actually dead. Also, i thought your uncle got a hook in HIS eye. Re-read it, it sounds liek that!! CRUP
Sammy has wanted that rod for forever and I saw it at Target. Tell me all about how it works (please). I was going to have Steve's parents get it for him for his birthday.
You and the zoo...girl, are you sick of that place yet?
Are you watching FOOD network star? I love that show. I like Rory and Andre who almost left. Who do you like?
I am glad fishing was fun despite the "passing" and you had a good weekend.
Oh yeah and Riley is gorgeous and that shirt is sooo cute on him.
What was Aaron's birthday in? Is he too old for birthday characters?
I watched the first episode of food network star, but missed it last night. It'll probably be on again this week.
The rod has a little capsule thingy that you tuck the hook, bait and weights into and then you load it into the barrel (kind of like a gun) and then you push a button, the capsule flies out (with fishing line attached) and when it hits the water it opens up and the hook and weights go down into the water. Then you just reel it in like a normal pole. It works really well and it's much safer than flingin' around a hook.
I love the zoo, never sick of it!!
Aaron's birthday was a fiesta. They haven't really done a kiddie theme for him in awhile, although last year was Harry Potter, and you know how we reacted to that one!! It was very well themed though, they had sombreros for the kids to wear and take home, a taco and burrito bar for food (it was delicious), fiesta party ware, balloons, mexican flags, was nice!
Oh and of course a pinata, a chili pepper one!
I love that fishing rod!!! I also love that picture of you and Riley........I absolutely love your freckles, I wish I still had mine.....I did as a kid but now I don't.
Poor fishy!!! That's sad! That pond and yard is beautiful!!! Glad you guys had a good weekend!!!
Oh boy! Now I want a fiesta birthday party!!!! I love mexican's my very favorite and that party would be soo perfect for me!!!!!
Well, I'm sure that ain't every gonna happen so I will just settle for going to a Mexican restraunt!
You weekend sounds awesome!
I might have to check out that fishing pole for Travis. It sounds really cool.
Riley is very cute!
Good job on catching those fish Noah!!
Sorry the super hero show wasn't exactly what you had in mind. :)
checking checking
checking checking...nopey nope
I have always wondered about those fishing rods. They look so cool! I would have pretty grossed out by the fish that got rocketed!
wanna go to the museum tomorrow?? Thursday??
yeah, i emailed you
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