Here's some pictures of the things we've been learning in our one room schoolhouse!! There's pictures from our field trip to the Air Force Museum, our field trip to the Zoo, Abby's first book that she can read and some shots of the fun from today. At the air force museum we saw several Wright Flyers and Noah was especially thrilled for that. Boy he loved learning about the Wright Brothers and their first flights. I think he found it especially interesting because they were from Dayton. So that was a lot fun especially being Homeschool day. It's really been a huge blessing to teach my kids. I love that they are learning by doing and going and seeing, not just reading about in a classroom. Now don't get me wrong, we read a ton too. We average four books a day just on the subject of our unit study. Plus, a book here and there for fun, one at bedtime and Noah is always reading a chapter book for Book-It (Pizza Hut's reading program). I love books and the kids do too, but they just learn so much more and remember so much more by getting out and doing!! So we're learning plant/tree/leaf classification right now. I chose to do this in October when the leaves are big news. It's a two week study, so one more to go. We collected a ton of leaves at the zoo to go home and classify. That was fun. Some of the nicer specimens I laminated and plan to use in a project, just not sure what yet. I'm also working on a lapbook for this study (my first, Charity ideas would be helpful!!!). I found some websites with layout ideas, so I'm using their input as well an my own. We'll see how it turns out.
This weekend should be a terrific fall weekend. We're doing Parky's tonight too, I think half of blog world will be there!!! We always do a Friday night and next Friday we're going to Circleville for the big pumpkin show and the following Friday is the one right before Halloween, and we didn't want to wait that long, so it's tonight!! Plus it's nice and chilly, just like I like it for a nice Halloween festival!! Tomorrow, Noah has skills asessment and uniform sizing for Upward basketball and then we're going to Burger Farm, I absolutely love going there. We went there when we first moved back to Ohio and have been going every year, eventhough now it's a good 45-60 minute drive. And then of course it's church and football for Sunday!! Well I hope everyone enjoys their evening, I know we will!!

We made these today. The trunk is their arm, the leaves of the tree is their hands, the grass is their fingertips, the pumpkins are their thumbs and the stems on the pumpkins are their pinkie fingers. I thought they turned out really cute!

Abby insisted I take her picture with her new friends!!

We always have good experiences with the polar bears. It's a really good exhibit.

Hangin' out in front of the 'hive!!

The elephants were really close and we got some good pics!

Abby's first read!

A huge bee diagram in the insect house.

Would you let these two, direct your plane??

Wow, that plane is very "stealthy"!!

Both kids loved their turn in the cockpit of a jet!

Abby's proud of her paper airplane, that she made in one of the free classes.

Noah is getting answers to the scavenger hunt we did at one of the displays of a Wright Flyer.

They made gyrocopters in a class, and they worked really well, spinning all the way to the ground!

Noah's paper airplane did very well!!