Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Awwww, it's fall!!

Wow is the weather great or what!!! We went to the zoo today, I waited until the weather got cooler. I'm so glad I did because it was so nice. We studied bees last week, so we went to observe them in the insect house. It was so cool. I felt so proud when Noah said "look I see one's proboscis"!! And when Abby said I wonder where the drones are!! Aaah, the sweet sounds of learning!! We started our new Bible curriculum today and I really felt like it was just what we needed. I"m so glad I decided to add that to our day. I also started Abby on a new method of learning to read and I ordered it because of how many people I had talked to that recommended it and so far I think it's really cool and I like it a lot. It's a book called teach your child to read in 100 days. I got the book on sale for twelve bucks, it's says it retails for 22!! Sonya, if you're interested (Sammy may already be reading by now, I'm not sure), but if you want I'll let you borrow it in 99 days!!! It's so totally different than any other way of teaching reading. A lot different than Noah learned. I wish I had done it with him. In the beginning it talks about all the studies done using this style and that it was far superior to other methods. The reason schools can't use it, is because it's meant to be a one on one style of teaching. Meaning you and your child sit down together for 15 minutes a day and do the lesson. You can't do it with a big group of kids or even more than one unless you do it with each kid seperately. So a teacher could never have enough time to spend 15 minutes a day with each kid. It just wouldn't work. It's supposed to bring a child up to a mid second grade reading level in just 100 days!! Stay tuned to see how well it goes!! Well I just wanted to give a quick update. I would ask if everyone would keep my brother and his family in their prayers, they're having a few issues and they don't know the Lord and I would ask that maybe you could pray that it is HE that they turn to. Thanks, and enjoy this weather, it's just awesome!!


Crystal said...

I will definitely pray for your brother and his fam. I hope they come to know the Lord thru these rough times.

Your book sounds great! Let us know how it turns out in 99 days! ha

That's sooo cool that you went to the Zoo, what a beautiful perfect day to go! I love fall too!

Hey, when we gettin together girlfriend??

Jamie said...

I asked Sonya, probably in November. We want our Saturday's in October for fall festivities!! But definitely in November!

SamandSawyersMom said...

OH MY GOSH BECKY!!! I want that bookn ow. He still needs to learn to read. Math is another story. The kids is a genius in Math..okay not a genius but it is going well. Reading, he just is not into doing on his own. I want that book. Where do you buy it??

I will pray for j and I know what God can do to a hard heart.

Have I mentioned lately that I love you? If I haven't I love you!! There is just something about you....

Jamie said...

I got it from You're too sweet, I love you too!! Big Smooch!!

Carrie said...

I love this cool weather too! Today was PERFECT!

Glad you had a good time at the exciting to hear your children learning so much!

Char said...

That's great that your children are learning so much already! It's fun, isn't it?!! The zoo is an awesome place to go during school hours. hehe.
I'm anxious to know how the 100 days go! Keep us updated. Travis really took to HOP, but I did look at that book before.

SamandSawyersMom said...

crys just loves all this love so let's keep spreading it

Crystal said...

Oh I do, I just love Jamers! Can't wait to see ya in November!!!! I am looking forward to it!

Lura said...

My friend who has 6 kids and homeschools recommended that book to me!