I love duck, he's my favorite. We watch it almost every day now. I think it's very entertaining and funny, but also very educational. It's my new favorite!!
I'm feeling so much better now that I have so much done as far as cleaning and everything for the party. Friday is Noah's actual birthday and I didn't want to have to do much that day so we could just concentrate on having fun! That boy is such a homebody though! I told him he could choose dinner and he chose for me to make 3-ways at home and to not go out for them. He says nearly every time we're out that he can't wait to get home. He's so much like his Dad it's scary!! I remember posting last year on his birthday and I just can not believe another year has come and gone again. Wow, it's so scary how short the time seems to be.
I'm also excited because as soon as the last guest leaves the party on Sunday, I'm starting to pack for our trip!! I can't wait. Noah wants to go to Legoland right away, but I think we'll wait until Monday. The Sunday we are there is Super Bowl Sunday so we're hoping that means really light crowds. We'll see though! I'm excited because last time we were there it was incredibly hot and now it's supposed to be under 70, just how I like it! Well I guess that's all I got for now. I'm gonna look for some cute pics to post. Here you go! These are from Christmas Day at Steve's mom. We must've all been loopy by this time, because we though it was fun to stack Noah's webkins on out heads and pose for a pic. I'll save most of the family from public humiliation and just pose my crazy kids and poor Chewie!!
oh very cute webkins on the head pictures. Abby looks tired in that pic.
I hadn't realized you were leaving so soon. When do you leave?
Noah is a lot like his dad. I have been noticing that lately too. He is so cute though...SM. He is much mroe loveable too..ha.
Hope your day goes well and you get a lot done.
Oh those are precious!!! I love the pictures of webkinz! I LOVE WEBKINZ!!!! UGH!
Oh I bet Noah is sooo excited for his birthday.....it's funny that our boys birthday's are a day a part. Daws is a HUGE homebody too!!! He'd much rather stay home than go out to eat or anywhere really! Shawn and I are both that way though. I'm glad you got alot done and can have some fun now!!!
steve and I saw those toys at target and we both said "marketing genius". I had no idea there was a series too.
i thought they were so cute.
What time is that on?? I'd love to see it!!
Cute pictures.
My neighbors dogs name is Chewie too - I think that is just way strange and coincidental!!!!
I'm glad you feel like you've accomplished a lot and won't have to stress so much now.
Jacob is for sure a home body! Travis is more like me.
Have a great birthday - 3 ways and all!!!
I hope Noah has a fantastic birthday and birthday party! 3 ways sound really yummy too!
Have fun packing for your trip! "Sounds like it will be a lot of fun! Packing is one of the funnest things to do!!!
Word World sounds neat. I wonder if they sell videos of it?
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