Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thursday to do

1. Math Lessons DONE
2. Bible Lessons DONE
3. Language Arts Lesson for Noah DONE
4. Reading Lesson for Abby DONE
5. KONOS: a. Add Mini Umbrellas to the tree of all seasons. DONE
b. Sing "Rain, Rain Go Away" DONE
c. Fill in April Calendar DONE
d. Coloring Sheet DONE
e. Read Seasonal Poems DONE
6. Make Lunch DONE
7. Dishes DONE
8. Make Dinner DONE
9. Wash, dry, fold and put away 2 loads of laundry
10. Clean my desk area
11. Wash glass doors, mirrors, windows, etc. DONE
12. Straighten pantry DONE
13. Clean up Family Room
14. Make final list for party (groceries, games, etc.) DONE
15. Go to Kroger DONE
16. Noah has karate DONE
17. Give Noah a haircut DONE

almost done this time. the laundry is washed and dried, just not folded and put away! Oh well, there's always tomorrow!

1 comment:

Lura said...

You have been very productive lately! Good job!