Here's some pictures from our skating adventure before Christmas. Noah did not like it at all. He gave it a try though and clung to the rail at first. I eventually got him to go around the rink a few times with me, but he did not enjoy it. Not his cup of tea!! Abby loved it though. My mom was there because it was her works Christmas party and my mom is and always has been a very good skater and Abby loved skating with her. My mom let Abby chase her and Abby just laughed and laughed. She really loved it. I got to skate with both kids and I was pretty happy. I didn't fall although the kids tried to trip me up a couple of times! Even Daddy got to skate and he had fun too!! The kids got to see Santa there and he gave them each $15 gift certificates to Wal-Mart which I thought was very generous. Her work paid to give each kid that came and they had two different parties, those gift certificates. I thought that was so nice. We all had a good time! Sorry the pictures are a bit dark, it was really dark in there and I had to take the pictures from the side, Daddy didn't want me to carry it out on the rink in case I fell!!!
That looks like great fun!! I miss roller skating so much.
That was very nice of her work.
Oh how fun!!! I love to skate. I haven't gone is such a long long time. When I was in grade school my best friend's parents owner a skate rink and I loved it! We had a lot of fun.
That is so generous of them to give so much. Wow! I'm glad you got to skate. :)
My gosh your hair is beautiful!!!! Abby looks soo pretty, I love her sweater and poor Noah looks a bit nervous! ha Daws can't skate very well either.
Did you get any pics of your skater mom???
Abby looks like she had somuch fun!
Your skating adventure sounds like a lot of fun!
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