Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday to do

1. Math lessons DONE
2. Bible lessons DONE
3. Language Arts lesson for Noah DONE
4. Reading lesson for Abby DONE
5. KONOS: a. make hearts for the tree of all seasons DONE
b. discuss Washington and Lincoln (President's Day) and do worksheets DONE
c. Draw silhouettes of Washington and Lincoln from penny and dollar, and do coin rubbings DONE
d. review month song DONE
e. read two library books about seasons or calendars DONE
f. sing "Love the Lord" and "Jesus Loves Me" DONE
g. do valentine worksheet DONE
h. fill in February calendar DONE
i. Groundhog Day wordfind DONE
6. Take Abby to dance class DONE
7. Clip coupons while waiting at dance class DONE
8. Make lunch DONE
9. Wash, dry, fold and put away 4 loads of laundry DONE
10. Move Noah's second bed to basement DECIDED NOT TO DO
11. Organize Noah's room and make room for Legos (with Noah's help!) DONE
12. Clean up playroom (with both kids help!) DONE
13. Make dinner DONE
14. Do dishes, including handwashables DONE
15. Clean up counters in kitchen DONE
16. Pick up Abby's room (with Abby's help!) DONE
17. Put kids to bed DONE
18. Finish clipping coupons DONE

YAY ME!!!!!!

I have so much to do before the party that I hoped I would be able to keep on track if I posted my to do lists. Hopefully I'll get all that done today because I have lots more to do tomorrow!! Wish me luck!!!


Carrie said...

Thats a long list, but think how great a feeling it is to scratch things off as there done!

Crystal said...


Anonymous said...

wow you did well. i am a bit late.

good luck tomorrow