Well I thought I'd go ahead and post now since I'll be gone most of the rest of the day. Last night was really fun. We went to my parents house and played inside and out there. They have their basement almost finished and it's really nice!! They also have a really nice big, fenced backyard. So I love going there and not having to worry about the kids running out into the road. They bought them a little badminton set and we played that. We also (as always) ran around chasing their crazy dog Angus. He's a little jack russel terrier and that dog can run!! It's so funny to get him going at full speed, we all just laugh and laugh!! My mom got a big rock she wanted to put in her garden and she wanted me to write on it with special pens. We put "mamaw's garden" and then traced around the kids hands and put their names in it. We called my brother to bring Riley over so we could do his hand too!! They only live 5 minutes away, so they came right over. We were all planning to meet at Larosas' for dinner anyway, so we just ended up all meeting at my parents house. I didn't realize how much I've missed that little Riley, but I couldn't wait to hold him again!! He's so darn cute!!! So all nine of us then went to Larosas for dinner and we just had a really great time. The food was yummy, the service was really good (she kept calling Steve sweetie!!!), and we celebrated Dad's new job, it was just a really nice day.
Today Noah has karate and then Steve and the kiddies are taking me to Sonya's to go to the crop. While I'm cropping till I drop, Steve will be taking the kids to an egg hunt and then to Noah's baseball practice (as long as it doesn't rain too much of course). I hope they atleast get to do the egg hunt, I can't wait to scrap that page already!! Well if everything goes as planned, I'll be able to catch both Abby and Noah's albums up today. Then I can just come in and scrap a page or two of something that just happened and be able to stay caught up!! WOO_HOO!! Then I can finally go back to working on the family album that's about 3 years behind. That's probably at least 400 pages worth!! So if I can keep doing Sonya's crops once a month where I get about 30pages done and then maybe 15 during the month on my own, I can be caught up in about 9 months!!! Come on Sonya, we have to keep doing it!! Wow, to be caught up, what would that be like??? And of course by then I'll have another Disney trip to scrap, but I usually do those right away, because I"m so excited about it!! Good thing I really enjoy scrapbooking, or I'd never do it with so much to do!! I think I have 16 completed 12x12 albums which is about 1440 pages!! Wow, that's a lot of scrappin'!!! Well I need to go get everything ready for today. Have a great weekend!!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Glasses for us
Noah is now (well sometime next week when they come in) a glasses wearer. He ended up needing to get them for nearsightedness in both eyes. We picked out a really cute pair for everyday use and we went ahead and got him so cool sports ones for when he plays baseball or basketball. Those are really cool looking. They resemble Oakley sports sunglasses and we went ahead and got the kind of lenses on them that get dark in the sun. He's always been very sensitive about the sun when he's out plsying sports so we got that taken care of too. I think he's actually excited about wearing them. When we left last night, he wanted to wear them then and we had to explain to him that they have to make him his own special pair. As soon as we get them, I'll post pictures of how handsome he looks!!! He raelly does look very, very cute in them, if I do say so myself!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Noah's eyes!!
Noah has his appointment with the optometrist tomorrow, we'll see how bad the ol' eyes are then and what we need to do about it then. Now the biggest debate at our home is contacts or glasses?? We don't even know if they prescribe contacts to kids this young, but we're debating it. Can you guess which side I'm on???? What's your opinions?? Before I spout off how I think, I'd like to hear some objective opinions!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
today's news
Well today I took Noah for his 7 year check-up today which unfortunately was 2 months late, due to a forgetful Mommy. He is now 4 feet 1 and a quarter inch tall and weighs 54pounds. Everything checked out good except for his eyes. They did the usual vision check and found that both eyes are now 20/50. His pediatrician said that's not horrible, but he needs to see an optometrist to determine if he needs glasses now or not. I knew this was going to come, I just didn't think it would be this early. Steve found out his eyes needed correction in 3rd grade. I was a little bit upset though, it's just hard to hear that your baby isn't perfect!!! I know in the grand scheme of things, it's no big deal, but I still wished he wouldn't have that problem. I never mentioned before that Abby also has serious tooth problems. She already has a tremendous underbite, her top teeth go behind the bottom. When we saw the dentist last August, he said she will more than likely have to wear braces and even the big ugly headgear, but probably only at night, thank goodness!! He wants to wait until she's more like Noah's age and is getting permanent teeth to determine the best course of action. So Noah got Steve's eye problems and Abby got my teeth problems, although my teeth problems weren't this severe, I just needed braces for two years!! Oh well, what can I do? I guess just love them anyway with all the flaws!!!! I am glad though that we found out he has this problem where he can't see well things that are far away because we can fix it now before it becomes a big problem and affects his schoolwork and everything.
I hadn't mentioned yet, that my papa was let go from his job two weeks ago. He actually has been in good spirits about it and feels relieved to be out from under the "awful people" he worked for and the "worst work environment". He actually got a call back from a big company today and will be going to interview on Thursday. He sounded very excited about it, he's worked there before and was laid off about 15 years ago. He loves working there and is just praying he can get back on. We're praying for him too.
Well that's pretty much all of our exciting news for now. I'm taking the kiddies for their Easter pic tomorrow after school. I hope that goes well, you just never know!! I made all of our dining priority seating for Disney today. We're in the window now to do that. We still haven't however chosen a resort!! It looks like we'll be definitely getting the free dining plan, so we're trying to decide if we should just save the money we would've spent on that or just use to go to a more expensive resort. Decision, decisions!!! We love the Contemporary, that's where we stayed last time we went and that's our expensive choice, for our moderate choice Noah and I are leaning towards Caribbean Beach because we haven't been there yet and we want to do the beach thing and then the Value choice is probably Pop Century. We've been there a few times, but we really like it. Oh well, maybe we'll decide sometime!! We'd also like prayers in regards to our children's education. We're just not sure we're satisfied with the current situation and are consideriing other options. Well I guess that's all folks!!
I hadn't mentioned yet, that my papa was let go from his job two weeks ago. He actually has been in good spirits about it and feels relieved to be out from under the "awful people" he worked for and the "worst work environment". He actually got a call back from a big company today and will be going to interview on Thursday. He sounded very excited about it, he's worked there before and was laid off about 15 years ago. He loves working there and is just praying he can get back on. We're praying for him too.
Well that's pretty much all of our exciting news for now. I'm taking the kiddies for their Easter pic tomorrow after school. I hope that goes well, you just never know!! I made all of our dining priority seating for Disney today. We're in the window now to do that. We still haven't however chosen a resort!! It looks like we'll be definitely getting the free dining plan, so we're trying to decide if we should just save the money we would've spent on that or just use to go to a more expensive resort. Decision, decisions!!! We love the Contemporary, that's where we stayed last time we went and that's our expensive choice, for our moderate choice Noah and I are leaning towards Caribbean Beach because we haven't been there yet and we want to do the beach thing and then the Value choice is probably Pop Century. We've been there a few times, but we really like it. Oh well, maybe we'll decide sometime!! We'd also like prayers in regards to our children's education. We're just not sure we're satisfied with the current situation and are consideriing other options. Well I guess that's all folks!!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
My energy is fading!!!
Well I decided to do some spring cleaning today. Basically, the house has gotten quite a bit cluttered and messy and I wanted to take a whole day and get some of it cleaned out. I started upstairs and got the bedrooms done, but the playroom is only about half done. That room just totally overwhelms me, it always does. I work for a solid hour and it looks like I've done nothing. Maybe I should just not be so picky about putting everything exactly where it goes and just throw it all into a bunch of tubs!! Well halfway through the playroom I decided to just come downstairs and work on that for awhile. It looks much better, but it still needs work!! I still haven't dusted or cleaned teh bathrooms or vacuumed. Shew, just listing it makes me tired!! Maybe I'll knock off a few more items on the list and then call it a day. I need to make my CD of pictures to take to Costco, so I'm ready to go Saturday. I'm excited to have this time again to really get a lot of pages done. If we can keep doing this once a month or so, I'll be able to stay caught up in the kids albums and maybe get closer to caught up in the family album!! That would be so great!! We're taking the kids to get their Easter pictures on Wednesday. I finally found them coordinating outfits to wear. This year we're going to my parents for Easter dinner and we'll do an egg hunt there for the kiddies. That should be fun. Well I guess I'd better go do a bit more cleaning for the night. Goodnight all!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Museum Pics
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Ready to Roll
Well I guess I'm ready to start this really scary and "drastic" diet!!! Tomorrow marks day number 1 and I've spent the last few hours trying to set myself up for success. First of all, all weekend I've been enjoying all the foods I'll miss the most so that I won't immediately be craving them!! I've had pizza, ice cream, pasta, chicken nuggets and fries, cheetos, chocolate and tonight I'll be having one of my absolute favorites...Campbells Potato Soup!! Oh, I've also had several glasses of chocolate milk!! To actually get ready I've made my sugar free jello for tomorrow, I made 8 hard boiled eggs for the next couple days, I portioned out lean groud beef into patties and packaged them in twos (I have 10 portions), and also portioned out lean pork chops (8 portions). I cleaned up the kitchen really well, so I won 't be frustrated to come in there and make whatever food I need to. I got my water bottle cleaned up and ready to go. I have to make special tube sized ice cubes to fit into my water bottle, so I'm doing that. I worked on my suitcase to hot mama island (like I made Sonya) and I have that pretty much ready to go. I cleaned out a drawer in our pantry for just my stuff, so I don't have to root through all the other foods to find what I can have. I'm trying to think of things to do in the first few days to keep myself busy. If I stay out of the house, I'll be less tempted, so hopefully I can be away. I'll be doing my official first weigh-in tonight at 7:30 and then I'll do them every Sunday at 7:30 from then on. I still have to get some more chicken breasts and lean steaks. I'll probably get those tomorrow and portion them out as well. Oh yeah, I also made two pitchers of Crystal-lite!! I believe all this prep will at least make the first two days easier, we'll see what happens after that. I do feel much more pressure I guess to do good because I have someone to be accountable to and whom I don't want to let down. My biggest downfall will probably be the exercise. I really hate exercise in general. I'm going to start daily walking and we'll see how I progress from there. I'd like to work on stretching and flexibility to. When I took dance in high school, I was the only one who could do the straddles all the way down and I'd love to gain back some of that flexibility. Mainly I want to be a positive role model for my children especially Abby. It is very important to take care of yourself and I want her to know that, not because I told her but because I showed her. I'm not so worried about fitting into that special pair or jeans or whatever, I just want to feel healthier, have more energy and be around for my kiddies as long as God intends for me to be, not even a minute shorter because I was so unhealthy. Well I guess every journey begins with the first step and tomorrow when I wake up at 7:40am, it begins for me!! Bring it on!!!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Beauty and the Beast

Noah and the Beast. He had tons of make-up on but when he was up on the stage, it didn't seem so crazy like that!!

Abby and Belle

Noah and Lumiere who was very good as well!!!

Before the show

Abby and Sammy with Mrs. Potts
Well today we saw the Children's Theater production of Beauty and the Beast. It was really good I thought. I hadn't been to any of their other productions, so I didn't know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. Every thing was really well done. I was also really surprised at the talent these kids had. They were really good. Belle was played by a 16 year old girl and she was just outstanding. I found no flaws at all in her performance. Her voice was beautiful and she acted very well. The girl who played Mrs. Potts was also very talented especially her singing and she was only 12!! The boys also did well...the Beast and Gaston especially. They sang well and did their parts pretty good too!! I was just really impressed with the whole production and when they do Cinderella in September I hope to go as long as it's not when we're on vacation.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Crop til I drop!!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Well I am also unable to load pictures at this time, it just doesn't work. When I chose the picture and then click upload, it starts and then stops immediately and says something about you must chose a photo first. So, I can't put up the posts I was planning, I'll save them for tomorrow and hopefully things will be working then. We're having a nice quiet evening. I watched Riley today, we took him and Abby to the museum and met Sonya there. I thought it went really well, but I think it may have caused Sonya more stress than it was worth, sorry Sonya!! I really had a good time though, and so did the kids, even Riley!! Both kids slept in the car on the way home and then by the time I picked up Noah and got back to the house, it was time for Riley to go home. So, it turned out to be a very nice day, I'm glad there's no Idol tonight because I want to watch Survivor and go to bed!! I'm tired. Well goodnight and hopefully tomorrow will have much more interesting posts!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Smores by the Fire
Last night we decided to get out our fire pit thingy and start a small fire to make smores with. We had been waiting for the weather to be just warm enough to sit outside for awhile and take in the surroundings. I just enjoy so much sitting out on our back deck and seeing nothing but our yard, the forest behind our yard and the kids playing on their swingset. It's so peaceful. It was such a perfect night for setting the fire out too because as the sun was going down it was just a bit chilly and the fire kept us warm. It was a very nice night!! Noah loved his smore, but Abby just wanted to eat the chocolate, she is her Mama's daughter!!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Today's ramblings.
Well last night Noah had his First Grade Music Concert. It was very cute and very well organized!! There are five first grade classes and each class had their own song to sing plus a few of all classes together. Noah had a speaking part as well he was the 's' in the word friends. He said "S is for sharing, Friends are all of these things and even more!!". He did it perfectly too, no stumbling or shyness!! Even if he had been shy, I would've been proud. I still get choked up at these events, I just can't help it. but when it's at church, it affects me even more because their singing for the Lord!! So, that went well for him and I think he felt really good about it.

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I just checked UPS's website and my Creative Memories order is out for delivery!! YAY, the extra $5 for shipping paid off and now I'll get the new stuff in time for tomorrow!! I'm very excited about tomorrow. It's going to be so nice. I haven't had a big crop-til-you-drop in a long time and I need one to really get me sparked. I'm working on Abby's album right now. Basically what I did with Noah was did a very complete and detailed scrapbook (well 4 scrapbooks with 90 pages each!!) of his childhood up until Kindergarten. After Kindergarten I do a two page spread on that year of school, Plus a total of 4 pages per season. So a whole year will be 18 pages. It's much easier to stay caught up that way and I don't leave out any special events or holidays. I don't decorate them as much either. I pick a color theme for the season and use it in the pens for journaling and titleing. Its hard to explain...well here's a couple of pics...
This seems to be working well for me because if I get behind, it only takes me few minutes to be caught back up. So that's what I'll be doing with Abby's when she gets to Kindergarten too, but I still have a year and a half before that happens!! I'm also doing a family set of albums and a Disney set of albums. The family set is the most detailed and has everything that happens in our family while Noah's mainly has things that occured in his life and his focus on family events. So I won't put in things where he wasn't involved such as Abby's dance class or her field trips, etc...unless he comes which he usually doesn't and the same for hers. But in like Christmas or Birthday's I chose more pictures of Noah for his album, but I also include at least one of Abby and try to also get one of other family members in attendance. Anyway, I think you get it!! So the family albums are very behind and when I finally get Abby's caught up I'll work on those. I think Abby is like 14 or 15 months in the family album at this time!! And the Disney albums have our trips in them and I can usually fit 3 trips per album (per 90 pages!!). Those are pretty much caught up right now!! I know, I'm crazy!! I also have a small 7x7 album that has one picture from every anniversary (including our honeymoon) of Steve and I at the Outback restaurant. WE started that in Maui on our honeymoon and now we go there every year and get a picture and we have that in our anniverssary album. It's funny because in 90% of them I'm sitting on the same side of the table!! I just thought that was funny!!
Well the only other thing going on is my complete and utter shock over the American Idol results last night. I thought for sure Sanjaya would be going but was worried about Antonella leaving. And now she left (thank goodness), but Sanjaya is staying over Sundance???? Are you kidding me???? My mouth actually hit the floor when that happened (I'll show you the bruise!!). I just can't figure out what demographic would vote for him, I'm clueless. He's just weird and he doesn't seem to swing either way. You know what I mean?!?!?! Oh well, I guess I have to get over it....boohoo!! Oh and Survivor, Spoiler Alert, please don't read if you haven't watched it..............................................................
Can Ravu please, please win a stinking challenge? I saw that their changing up the tribes next week, I think you just have to at this point because it's just getting silly!! On the other tribe, I agree with that guy who was just disgusted with the two girls treatment of Dreamz and Cassandra. I mean that's just a really snotty and nasty way to be. Plus like he also said, they are going to be quick to jump ship and make the numbers in the game tricky for them. Oh well, he tried to warn them, but they are just too dumb to see it!! I also loved it when YaoMan took that girl down in the challenge!! That was funny!.......................................................
Well that's all I have for now, hope everyone has a great weekend, I know I will!!!!
I just checked UPS's website and my Creative Memories order is out for delivery!! YAY, the extra $5 for shipping paid off and now I'll get the new stuff in time for tomorrow!! I'm very excited about tomorrow. It's going to be so nice. I haven't had a big crop-til-you-drop in a long time and I need one to really get me sparked. I'm working on Abby's album right now. Basically what I did with Noah was did a very complete and detailed scrapbook (well 4 scrapbooks with 90 pages each!!) of his childhood up until Kindergarten. After Kindergarten I do a two page spread on that year of school, Plus a total of 4 pages per season. So a whole year will be 18 pages. It's much easier to stay caught up that way and I don't leave out any special events or holidays. I don't decorate them as much either. I pick a color theme for the season and use it in the pens for journaling and titleing. Its hard to explain...well here's a couple of pics...
This seems to be working well for me because if I get behind, it only takes me few minutes to be caught back up. So that's what I'll be doing with Abby's when she gets to Kindergarten too, but I still have a year and a half before that happens!! I'm also doing a family set of albums and a Disney set of albums. The family set is the most detailed and has everything that happens in our family while Noah's mainly has things that occured in his life and his focus on family events. So I won't put in things where he wasn't involved such as Abby's dance class or her field trips, etc...unless he comes which he usually doesn't and the same for hers. But in like Christmas or Birthday's I chose more pictures of Noah for his album, but I also include at least one of Abby and try to also get one of other family members in attendance. Anyway, I think you get it!! So the family albums are very behind and when I finally get Abby's caught up I'll work on those. I think Abby is like 14 or 15 months in the family album at this time!! And the Disney albums have our trips in them and I can usually fit 3 trips per album (per 90 pages!!). Those are pretty much caught up right now!! I know, I'm crazy!! I also have a small 7x7 album that has one picture from every anniversary (including our honeymoon) of Steve and I at the Outback restaurant. WE started that in Maui on our honeymoon and now we go there every year and get a picture and we have that in our anniverssary album. It's funny because in 90% of them I'm sitting on the same side of the table!! I just thought that was funny!!
Well the only other thing going on is my complete and utter shock over the American Idol results last night. I thought for sure Sanjaya would be going but was worried about Antonella leaving. And now she left (thank goodness), but Sanjaya is staying over Sundance???? Are you kidding me???? My mouth actually hit the floor when that happened (I'll show you the bruise!!). I just can't figure out what demographic would vote for him, I'm clueless. He's just weird and he doesn't seem to swing either way. You know what I mean?!?!?! Oh well, I guess I have to get over it....boohoo!! Oh and Survivor, Spoiler Alert, please don't read if you haven't watched it..............................................................
Can Ravu please, please win a stinking challenge? I saw that their changing up the tribes next week, I think you just have to at this point because it's just getting silly!! On the other tribe, I agree with that guy who was just disgusted with the two girls treatment of Dreamz and Cassandra. I mean that's just a really snotty and nasty way to be. Plus like he also said, they are going to be quick to jump ship and make the numbers in the game tricky for them. Oh well, he tried to warn them, but they are just too dumb to see it!! I also loved it when YaoMan took that girl down in the challenge!! That was funny!.......................................................
Well that's all I have for now, hope everyone has a great weekend, I know I will!!!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Well I've finally gotten over my disappointment about cancelling the paris trip, but I think it's going to work out in the end. FI everything works out with hubby's job, this next year we will be in a much better place to be shelling out the big bucks for an oversea trip. But as always with his work, they tell you lots of things, but rarely make do on their promises!! We just have to keep the faith!! So, we have decided to go back to WDW this year instead. WE're going at the end of September and celebrating Abby's 5th Birthday there. We've already celebrated mine, Steve's and Noah's there so it was her turn!! Noah's was actually his 5th as well, so that'll be nice and fair!! Wow, I can't believe I just said Abby's 5th Birthday, hello she's the baby, 5 is not baby!!! That's another post... So we're going to have 10 and 1/2 days there. Last night we just went through all of the crowd calendars and schedules to figure out which parks we'll be going to on what days and then from that figuring out where we want to make dining plans. We picked a few places we hadn't eaten at yet like the Coral Reef, Whispering Canyon at the Wilderness Lodge and the Ohana breakfast, but also put in some of our favorites such as Le Cellier in Canada at EPCOT, the Liberty Tree character meal and Tony's. It gets me excited when we start making these definite plans. We're also going to Mickey's not so scary Halloween Party, which we haven't done before. That should be lots of fun. I can't wait to get all of some great costumes for that!! According to my countdown calendar which me and the kiddies made, we have 195 days left and as the time gets closer, I'll have more info to share....like where we're staying!!! We still can't decide on that one!!
Well I"m also very excited about Saturday's crop-a-thon! I got 233 pictures on CD that I'm taking to Costco tonight, and meeting Sonya there to get her pics printed as well. I also ordered some new Creative Memories stuff today. I'm no longer a Consultant, but they added online ordering and direct shipping recently, so I just placed an order with my old upline and had it sent 2-day priority so hopefully I'll get it Friday!! I would love to have some of the new stuff. I love their new Power Pallette line, it makes it all so much easier...you know what I mean Charity??? Have you tried them yet?? I have the first 4 and I use them all of the time!! I ordered the 5th one today. Well with all of that coming, I'm really excited. I already packed up all of my stuff too!! I am so ready, I just have to figure out what food I'm taking and what clothes I'll be wearing, you gotta think comfort!!
Well, I think that's all that's on my mind right now. Tomorrow Noah has a music concert at school, so I'll have that to share tomorrow night. Oh, I know...if anyone has tips on making hardwood floors sparkle, I'd love to hear them. I usually clean them with the Murphy's oil soap stuff, but they're never as shiny as I'd like them. Do I need to wax them or something? I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with that and any help would be appreciated!! Thanks in advance!! Happy Humpday
Well I"m also very excited about Saturday's crop-a-thon! I got 233 pictures on CD that I'm taking to Costco tonight, and meeting Sonya there to get her pics printed as well. I also ordered some new Creative Memories stuff today. I'm no longer a Consultant, but they added online ordering and direct shipping recently, so I just placed an order with my old upline and had it sent 2-day priority so hopefully I'll get it Friday!! I would love to have some of the new stuff. I love their new Power Pallette line, it makes it all so much easier...you know what I mean Charity??? Have you tried them yet?? I have the first 4 and I use them all of the time!! I ordered the 5th one today. Well with all of that coming, I'm really excited. I already packed up all of my stuff too!! I am so ready, I just have to figure out what food I'm taking and what clothes I'll be wearing, you gotta think comfort!!
Well, I think that's all that's on my mind right now. Tomorrow Noah has a music concert at school, so I'll have that to share tomorrow night. Oh, I know...if anyone has tips on making hardwood floors sparkle, I'd love to hear them. I usually clean them with the Murphy's oil soap stuff, but they're never as shiny as I'd like them. Do I need to wax them or something? I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with that and any help would be appreciated!! Thanks in advance!! Happy Humpday
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Speedy Delivery
Hey, excuse miss maillady, you got my check in there????
Today Abby got to learn all (well all they cared to share with us) about the post office. We learned that mail can be delivered by truck, boat, car, bicycle, train, plane and even donkey...yes donkey!! Then we all learned that it costs .39 to mail a letter, who knew!! Then the hit of the whole show was getting to peer inside an empty mail truck, wow that was worth standing out in the 20 something degree weather for!! No, really I was a bit disappointed in this trip, I really thought we were going to see some cool behind the scenes stuff, but nothing, just the lobby and the mail truck, that's all!! Oh, well, hopefully the kids liked it, but I can pretty much guarantee they only remember sitting in the mail truck, oh and when the letter they sent themselves arrives, they'll probably remember that too!!
Monday, March 5, 2007
Monday, Monday
Well we had a pretty good weekend. Saturday Noah had a basketball game and then we took him to a player evaluation session for baseball. I guess they make sure they equally divide the truly talented kids on the teams, so one team isn't incredibly superior or something like that!! I tell yeah, as soon as one sports about to end, the next is gearing up!! We also got an email from Noah's football coach (it's the same as last year) and he's wanting to have a kick off party for the team IN MARCH!! Hello, football camp isn't even until July, so why do we need a party now??? He really needs to get a life!! Well Abby is also trying t-ball this year. She'll be playing at our local Y. I love that league for beginners, because it's just about learning the basics and having fun. Noah did that his first year as well. I think she'll like it. I just hope we don't have games at the same time, I do not want to miss any of their games!! Well after the evaluation thingy, we came home and just stayed here the rest of the day. It felt really good to not have to be anywhere for a change. I decided to clean out the van which was VERY much needed. Steve had commented the other day that the trash and stuff in the van was starting to get deeper and I knew it was probably time to clean it out!! So I emptied all the trash, toys, clothes, papers, and dishes out and then vacuumed the carpet, washed the floormats, washed the windows and cleaned the doors and dashboard. It really is a nice van and when it's clean I just love being in it. Now if we could just get our DVD player fixed in it!! After the big cleaning session, I made dinner, a yummy spaghetti parmesean with parmesean crusted chicken tenders. It was so good!! I love pasta, thank you Italy!!! That was pretty much our Saturday other than the usual t.v. watching and we also played some games with the kiddies. Sunday we woke up and I was so excited to drive the new and improved van, but it wouldn't start!! It seems the battery was dead. Luckily we still had Steve's mom's car here and we took that to church and then Steve and Noah changed the battery (Noah got the tools for him and turned the key when it was time!!) and now the car runs better than ever!! I took a nap and then made dinner and ironed Steve a shirt for today and that was pretty much it. Oh we watched Amazing Race (Go Rob and Amber!!). That was for Sonya!! Steve had to drive up the northern Ohio today for work, but he'll be home in the evening. We don't have anything planned for the rest of the day. Abby and I did a little shopping this morning, it's our favorite pasttime!! I think when we pick up Noah we'll stop at Wendy's for Frosty's that sounds good to me!! Well Absolutely Happy Birthday Sonya, I'm so glad you got the good deal on the scrapbooking stuff!! I think this evening or maybe tomorrow, I'll be putting together all my pictures and then getting ideas for the pages!! I can't wait to scrap on Saturday!! Well have a good day!!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Happy 50th Birthday Dad!!
The Birthday Boy
Opening his cards, we all gave him money to have his pooltable recovered!!

Me, my girl and my mama all dressed up to party!!!
My papaw was in the aloha spirit with his orange lei and umbrella in his hat!!!
My mamaw was beautiful in her flower lei!!
My Dad's siblings: sister in law Karen, brother Tim, sister Jackie, nephew Zach and brother in law Dewayne
Abby and Noah playing with Riley, he just laughed at them!!
The cake!!
My Dad and his parents!!
Me and the Riles!!!
Last night was my Dad's 50th Birthday party. My mom and I had suspected that he knew something was going on he just didn't know when it might happen, but as it turned out, he was completely clueless!! He thought that he and my mom were going to dinner and that they had to wait for me to come first, so I could give him his present. Well me and the kids showed up first and he was sitting in the basement and the kids went down and layered tons of leis on him and he still had no idea what was going on and then I came down with a huge bunch of balloons and he still didn't know. I then mouthed it to my mom that he wasn't catching on and I said out loud to her, will you help me get some stuff out of the car? And he said what stuff and we just said oh some stuff (he probably thought it was his gift) and when we came in with lots of party decorations and a crock-pot full of food, he was starting to understand!! He said what's all this for and my mom said a party, and he said what party, and she said gee, I wonder whose Birthday it is today!! Then I yelled surprise, it's your 50th Birthday party and he just smiled!! He said whose coming and we said all of the family and they'll be here in an hour!! I think he actually was happily surprised, which was the goal!! I brought him some old school pictures his mama gave me to give him and the whole time me and mom were getting things ready he was going through every kid's picture and trying to remember who they were and telling us whose parents they are now, etc...I think he was thrilled with just that!! It ended up being a really great party, almost everyone was able to make it. They all picked on me for my themeing and all the little things I do like decorate the cups with drawn on leis and names (most people didn't realize they had names on them and ended up being someone else for the evening!!), and the icecubes that had little drink umbrellas frozen in them so we could have tropical drinks!! They all picked on me for it all, but I truly think they thought it was really neat!! The food came out better than expected, I got many compliments on my bbq pulled pork, especially my Dad,he raved about it and it was for him in the first place so that was good. They also really enjoyed the game I made which really surprised me (thanks Sonya!!). I sat out 10 pictures of him in various spots in the house and they had to find them all and then guess his age in all of them. It really shocked me how much they enjoyed it, even my grandparents were up searching for them!! The winner only got 3 right, so they were pretty hard though!! Well I hope he feels loved and tonight he can have his dinner out!!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Yay, another hat!!
The whole class in their hats!!
"I got a match!!"
Quickly pass the cat!!

Just like green eggs and ham, Abby eats her favorite food in a weird place, she chose to eat mac and cheese on a pen!!!

Dropping the hats attached to clothespins into the fish bowl!! I love that she put the fish from the book inside the bowl, so cute!!
Today Abby's class celebrated Dr. Seuss's Birthday with a really cute little party. They watched the cartoon Cat in the Hat, read Green Eggs and Ham, played lots of games like drop the hat in the fish bowl, match the cats, find the hats, and pass the cat. They colored their own Cat in the Hat hat and played the Cat in the Hat board game. I think it was one of the best parties so far. Miss Katie told me it wasn't a big deal if I didn't want to come back, but I really love getting the chance to come into their classrooms and be with them, plus I saw some cute Cat in the Hat scrapbook stuff at Hobby Lobby the other day and I can make a really cute scrapbook page!! That's reason enough to go!!! I think tomorrow, Noah's school is celebrating it. He'll probably come home with a hat as well and I'll be sure to get pictures of that as well!!
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