Saturday, March 24, 2007

My energy is fading!!!

Well I decided to do some spring cleaning today. Basically, the house has gotten quite a bit cluttered and messy and I wanted to take a whole day and get some of it cleaned out. I started upstairs and got the bedrooms done, but the playroom is only about half done. That room just totally overwhelms me, it always does. I work for a solid hour and it looks like I've done nothing. Maybe I should just not be so picky about putting everything exactly where it goes and just throw it all into a bunch of tubs!! Well halfway through the playroom I decided to just come downstairs and work on that for awhile. It looks much better, but it still needs work!! I still haven't dusted or cleaned teh bathrooms or vacuumed. Shew, just listing it makes me tired!! Maybe I'll knock off a few more items on the list and then call it a day. I need to make my CD of pictures to take to Costco, so I'm ready to go Saturday. I'm excited to have this time again to really get a lot of pages done. If we can keep doing this once a month or so, I'll be able to stay caught up in the kids albums and maybe get closer to caught up in the family album!! That would be so great!! We're taking the kids to get their Easter pictures on Wednesday. I finally found them coordinating outfits to wear. This year we're going to my parents for Easter dinner and we'll do an egg hunt there for the kiddies. That should be fun. Well I guess I'd better go do a bit more cleaning for the night. Goodnight all!


Crystal said...

I love to Spring clean! Shawn and I always split it up, he will do a couple of rooms and I will do a few rooms and we wash the walls, windows, blinds, and's so much work but it feels so good when it's all done! Not sure when we will start our Spring cleaning, maybe next week.

Well, I will see you and Sonya at the crop, I won't be there until later though cause I am taking Daws to an egg hunt first at the park in our neighborhood. I still haven't gotten my pics together but I will tonight....I have a feeling I will just be yours and Sonya's helper instead of making one of my own.......I just wouldn't know where to start! It will be fun hangin out though! I'll c ya then! Have fun cleaning!

SamandSawyersMom said...

yeah weii i thoguht about changing the date but oyu are both excited so let me see what I can do. Sammy has an easter egg hunt that day that I would miss and his first soccer game plus the next day, we have our meeting for his open casting call. What do you think Jamie?

I am so glad that you cleaned...not me. I slept with my famiy for 2 1/2 hours and then hung out. No energy required. Good for you though.

Crystal said...

If you need to change that date, that's's not hard for me to get away so whatever is best for you, is cool with me!

Jamie said...

I told you already I was fine with changing it. You decide what's best, we're mama's first and then scrapbookers!!

Lura said...

The spring cleaning thought has entered my mind...does that count? :)

SamandSawyersMom said...

i like reading about their spring cleaning does that count?

SamandSawyersMom said...

posty post post

Crystal said...

YOu inspired me to start my Spring cleaning Jamie! Last night I took everything out of my kitchen......the table, chairs, microwave stand ect and swept and mopped the whole floor and I washed the walls and baseboards, cleaned the oven and bleached all the appliances and counters.....oh it felt so good afterwards actually feels cleaner in there! I love it! I have several more rooms to go but at least one is finished! Thanks for the inspiration!

Jamie said...

Glad I could be here to atleast inspire some cleaning. I still haven't finished all I set out to do, but some rooms are finished. I probably won't have much to post about the next few days, so this is your notice to stop checking here until I post on Sonya's blog that I've posted. That way you won't be disappointed!! Now, let's see if that works!!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

no no post!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crystal said...

Nice try, Jamie but I don't think that's gonna fly! ha ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

i am still laughing over Jamie's attempt to get us to leave her alone and for her to just let us know when she posted..ha ha

Crystal said...

Yeah, that was a funny one! ha