Saturday, March 31, 2007

Happy Saturday

Well I thought I'd go ahead and post now since I'll be gone most of the rest of the day. Last night was really fun. We went to my parents house and played inside and out there. They have their basement almost finished and it's really nice!! They also have a really nice big, fenced backyard. So I love going there and not having to worry about the kids running out into the road. They bought them a little badminton set and we played that. We also (as always) ran around chasing their crazy dog Angus. He's a little jack russel terrier and that dog can run!! It's so funny to get him going at full speed, we all just laugh and laugh!! My mom got a big rock she wanted to put in her garden and she wanted me to write on it with special pens. We put "mamaw's garden" and then traced around the kids hands and put their names in it. We called my brother to bring Riley over so we could do his hand too!! They only live 5 minutes away, so they came right over. We were all planning to meet at Larosas' for dinner anyway, so we just ended up all meeting at my parents house. I didn't realize how much I've missed that little Riley, but I couldn't wait to hold him again!! He's so darn cute!!! So all nine of us then went to Larosas for dinner and we just had a really great time. The food was yummy, the service was really good (she kept calling Steve sweetie!!!), and we celebrated Dad's new job, it was just a really nice day.

Today Noah has karate and then Steve and the kiddies are taking me to Sonya's to go to the crop. While I'm cropping till I drop, Steve will be taking the kids to an egg hunt and then to Noah's baseball practice (as long as it doesn't rain too much of course). I hope they atleast get to do the egg hunt, I can't wait to scrap that page already!! Well if everything goes as planned, I'll be able to catch both Abby and Noah's albums up today. Then I can just come in and scrap a page or two of something that just happened and be able to stay caught up!! WOO_HOO!! Then I can finally go back to working on the family album that's about 3 years behind. That's probably at least 400 pages worth!! So if I can keep doing Sonya's crops once a month where I get about 30pages done and then maybe 15 during the month on my own, I can be caught up in about 9 months!!! Come on Sonya, we have to keep doing it!! Wow, to be caught up, what would that be like??? And of course by then I'll have another Disney trip to scrap, but I usually do those right away, because I"m so excited about it!! Good thing I really enjoy scrapbooking, or I'd never do it with so much to do!! I think I have 16 completed 12x12 albums which is about 1440 pages!! Wow, that's a lot of scrappin'!!! Well I need to go get everything ready for today. Have a great weekend!!


SamandSawyersMom said...

me too tired to went to bed at write later

Crystal said...

Me went to bed at 2:30 and me got woke up by Daws at real tired too....Zzzz Zzzz

Crystal said...

Are you feelin any better today?? Did you sleep good???

SamandSawyersMom said...

posty post post

Crystal said...


SamandSawyersMom said...


Lura said...

Glad to hear your dad found a new job! You are a scrappin' fool! Ha ha. Glad you are getting caught up.

Crystal said...

Heard you were sick, hope you feel better soon! Miss ya!

SamandSawyersMom said...

sick post

Crystal said...