Thursday, March 15, 2007


Well I am also unable to load pictures at this time, it just doesn't work. When I chose the picture and then click upload, it starts and then stops immediately and says something about you must chose a photo first. So, I can't put up the posts I was planning, I'll save them for tomorrow and hopefully things will be working then. We're having a nice quiet evening. I watched Riley today, we took him and Abby to the museum and met Sonya there. I thought it went really well, but I think it may have caused Sonya more stress than it was worth, sorry Sonya!! I really had a good time though, and so did the kids, even Riley!! Both kids slept in the car on the way home and then by the time I picked up Noah and got back to the house, it was time for Riley to go home. So, it turned out to be a very nice day, I'm glad there's no Idol tonight because I want to watch Survivor and go to bed!! I'm tired. Well goodnight and hopefully tomorrow will have much more interesting posts!!


Jamie said...

ok, so maybe I won't be watching Survivor tonight since basketball is on...boohoo.. oh well off to bed I go then!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

that is what i was going to survivor.

it wasn't too much stress. i had fun too. i want to go all summer when i have it every tuesday or whatever.