I just checked UPS's website and my Creative Memories order is out for delivery!! YAY, the extra $5 for shipping paid off and now I'll get the new stuff in time for tomorrow!! I'm very excited about tomorrow. It's going to be so nice. I haven't had a big crop-til-you-drop in a long time and I need one to really get me sparked. I'm working on Abby's album right now. Basically what I did with Noah was did a very complete and detailed scrapbook (well 4 scrapbooks with 90 pages each!!) of his childhood up until Kindergarten. After Kindergarten I do a two page spread on that year of school, Plus a total of 4 pages per season. So a whole year will be 18 pages. It's much easier to stay caught up that way and I don't leave out any special events or holidays. I don't decorate them as much either. I pick a color theme for the season and use it in the pens for journaling and titleing. Its hard to explain...well here's a couple of pics...
This seems to be working well for me because if I get behind, it only takes me few minutes to be caught back up. So that's what I'll be doing with Abby's when she gets to Kindergarten too, but I still have a year and a half before that happens!! I'm also doing a family set of albums and a Disney set of albums. The family set is the most detailed and has everything that happens in our family while Noah's mainly has things that occured in his life and his focus on family events. So I won't put in things where he wasn't involved such as Abby's dance class or her field trips, etc...unless he comes which he usually doesn't and the same for hers. But in like Christmas or Birthday's I chose more pictures of Noah for his album, but I also include at least one of Abby and try to also get one of other family members in attendance. Anyway, I think you get it!! So the family albums are very behind and when I finally get Abby's caught up I'll work on those. I think Abby is like 14 or 15 months in the family album at this time!! And the Disney albums have our trips in them and I can usually fit 3 trips per album (per 90 pages!!). Those are pretty much caught up right now!! I know, I'm crazy!! I also have a small 7x7 album that has one picture from every anniversary (including our honeymoon) of Steve and I at the Outback restaurant. WE started that in Maui on our honeymoon and now we go there every year and get a picture and we have that in our anniverssary album. It's funny because in 90% of them I'm sitting on the same side of the table!! I just thought that was funny!!
Well the only other thing going on is my complete and utter shock over the American Idol results last night. I thought for sure Sanjaya would be going but was worried about Antonella leaving. And now she left (thank goodness), but Sanjaya is staying over Sundance???? Are you kidding me???? My mouth actually hit the floor when that happened (I'll show you the bruise!!). I just can't figure out what demographic would vote for him, I'm clueless. He's just weird and he doesn't seem to swing either way. You know what I mean?!?!?! Oh well, I guess I have to get over it....boohoo!! Oh and Survivor, Spoiler Alert, please don't read if you haven't watched it..............................................................
Can Ravu please, please win a stinking challenge? I saw that their changing up the tribes next week, I think you just have to at this point because it's just getting silly!! On the other tribe, I agree with that guy who was just disgusted with the two girls treatment of Dreamz and Cassandra. I mean that's just a really snotty and nasty way to be. Plus like he also said, they are going to be quick to jump ship and make the numbers in the game tricky for them. Oh well, he tried to warn them, but they are just too dumb to see it!! I also loved it when YaoMan took that girl down in the challenge!! That was funny!.......................................................
Well that's all I have for now, hope everyone has a great weekend, I know I will!!!!
I'm in total agreement about American Idol! I couldn't believe that Sanjaya made it..........I was freakin fuming last night! Ugh!
I thought those two girls were being such witches to Dreamz and Cassandra....they were just down right nasty to them and I can't figure out why!! Shawn said it might be because they are black, if so, that's terrible!
I really like the guy (can't remember his name) that tried to convince everyone to be nice to them. I'm glad they say they are going to flop when they merge, it will serve them right for being so hateful!
I love the pictures of Noah, you dressed him very nice and I noticed he's the only one with a tie! ha ha He looked very handsome.
I'm not commenting on the scrap pages........they look good to me but otherwise I am clueless!
Well, I see it like this, only 1 can win American Idol so if my favorites (1-2) don't leave then I don't care. Sundance wasn't THAT good...come on now.
If my black friends leave...melinda and the one with the little girl, then I would wonder.
I like Survivor this year but not as well. I am glad that they are switching things out. i hope those girls go home soon. They will be back pedalling like crazy. Dreamz is such a weird name..was he born with that??
I was admiring Noah's outfit BEFORE i read Chrissy's comments on it. It is cute as can be. I think he looks amazing and it is sad that other people couldn't dress them a little nicer. Some of them have athletic shirts on. I like the other boy with the button up...precious. I am sure Noah did great.
He is all boy! He and Sammy are nuts together. I love it because I have read that boys NEED to rough house and stuff and they SO do. They don't hurt eachother or get mad though. it is very cool.
Well,I am PMSing so bad so pray for James girls. She has to spend 12 plus hours with me tomorrow. Your pages look adorable as usual.
I agree that Sundance wasn't THAT good but Sanjaya is THAT BAD!
Yeah, but the longer they stay on American Idol, the more exposure they get and the better their chances are for getting deals elsewhere. Sundance deserved that, I liked him. Sanjaya, does not. He just stinks, that's it!!
About Noah's clothes, they said to have them dressed up and Noah loves wearing ties (he calls them bowties) for special occasions, so we got one out and put it on. I was a bit surprised at how some of the kids were dressed too. But at least mine looked good!!! SM
I thought he looked very nice and it was very appropiate for the occasion. Sometimes I dress my kids up and they look out of place. James, I got a sheet today of the 90 percent off stickers with disney phrases...do oyu have it? It is called Phrase cafe??? I got you one incase you don't have it.
james, did i give you my blank check? I think I did. if so, write it out for the cost of the tickets and let me know the total so I can write it down
hey are you ever going to post again. We need stuff to read ya know?
wow, no post again...so sad..so lazy
it's been more than 4 hours
Jamie, did you see Amazing Race last night??????????? UGH!!!!!
yeah she saw it...ha ha ha ha
jamie...where are you? I tried calling you to harass you....Oh Jamie???????????/
are you okay??? Did the Rob and Amber thing kill you..it didn't me.
stop this insanity
help, i lost james and i can't find her
i found her...she answered her phone...she is a grumpy butt today..her best friends are going below below below and she is sad...poor james
Jamie we miss you!
are you kidding me? What do you have to do besides this????? NOT a thing....well that is as important as this...
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